From what I can see the other children attending there are happy also. Your CCE may have ignored that policy, but the REAL policy is that it will be returned at the end of the year. After applying, the local administrator will contact you to schedule a family interview. I feel like I just read an Intouch Magazine article filled with the latest gossip and slander. Further, I know at least half the parent-teachers personally theyre good people, a couple of them saintly. She bullied my mom so intensely my mom had to quit mid year. Dr. Ramani on YouTube is a good starting point. We could no longer afford it. It may even suggest the subjects had enough integrity to not falsely deny what they did. Regina Caeli Academy. The anonymous letter writer has written a second letter to the board on November 14, urging them to divest themselves completely of Beckmans influence. Shortly before she stepped down, the Board of Directors received an anonymous letter alleging Beckman had carried on an illicit sexual relationship with Graham. Roswell, GA 30076. Im praying for the children and families hit by the full impact of this true scandal, including the Beckmans young and grown children. She worked tremendously hard. The bishop has, according to canon law, a duty to be vigilant about their spiritual well-being and about the effects of the community in his diocese, but the relationship between the diocese and such communities is not clearly defined. I have C-PTSD, and that is the result of narcissistic abuse, whoever is her therapist is getting paid to tell her what she wants to hear so that she will keep paying him/her. I could write a book on the kind of toxic community that is bred inside of RCA schools. People run out of money to keep up the pleadings and pay the lawyers, plaintiffs realize they just dont have a case no matter how right they are, all kind of reasons for cases to be dropped. Were seriously considering coming back to Regina Caeli, Sercely said. But good thing she stepped down and I know someone who works there and she verifies that a lot of this is true that they do try to silence her sometimes and though she is disappointed she still is glad that the teaching is better than public school. And Whoa! It is important to reflect on Regina Caeli's academic and spiritual model. All I can say is from todays Thanksgiving presentation by the RCA at our Kirkland, WA location the teachers and tutors are wonderful, and my grandchildren who attend there are happy. Sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date on the latest RCA news, upcoming events, and more! As a former RCA student I completely agree with this comment. I understand wanting to protect our kids from an increasingly secular and often demonic society, but it seems to me like the line between protective and cultish was crossed. Our Vision Shame on this person for writing this. 1565 Holcomb Bridge Rd, Roswell, GA 30076 Pray for our Church. God put RCA on my path and because of it I had my marriage blessed in the Church and have raised my children in the faith. I am constantly learning more- I want to share that about two years ago, I heard a sermon that, Justice is not revenge; justice is the truth. God led me on this path of learning, and it has been the map to freedom from my prison. Weve benefited from RCA over the last three years as well. . Catholic faith is fully integrated in all subjects and each staff member takes Oath of Fidelity to Magisterium. Parents who are also tutors receive a discount on the entire program, and all members are expected to fundraise and to recruit new members, in addition to paying tuition. Its taken for the day and returned to the parent after school hours. I speak from a standpoint of being victimized by a narcissist, and they use religion for personal power. Deus, qui per resurrectionem Filii tui, Domini nostri Iesu Christi, mundum laetificare dignatus es: praesta, quaesumus; ut per eius Genetricem Virginem Mariam, perpetuae capiamus gaudia vitae. Bishop Joseph Strickland, an outspoken booster of Veritatis Splendor, was not available for comment. Website Designed by, 1565 Holcomb Bridge Road. The parent remains the primary educator at home. If I had a nickel for every time someones new way of thinking about something was likened to the dangers of modernism, I might have more money than Kari Beckman scammed from families. After bombshell revelations about an illicit relationship between board members and possible financial misconduct, theres massive restructuring afoot at Regina Caeli Academy, and the organization will undergo a forensic audit, the board announced early this morning. Don't report it yourself. *Bishop* Strickland. Protected: Ill See Myself Out, Episode 62: Episodic! Shea cant write a non-lie. It was last updated on April 30 with a conceptual rendering of the oratory. Imagine a world where stuff like this ever happens. I felt like I had encountered the devil himself in that confessional. REGINA CAELI is an independent, University-Style Hybrid academy operating in the Catholic. Instead of taking [complaints] seriously on their merits, this spiritual lens means if you disagree, youre not just wrong; youre bad. Families were required to fundraise in a variety of ways, and were always told that this fundraising was to support the education and mission of Regina Caeli. Keep things in the proper channels of communication. Preach, Jane! This is how the business works. I had even offered to find another family to take our place that same school year and our only response was speak to my attorney. The school cracked down on staffers who shared photos of themselves in tank tops on social media. Now thats a lie. The adultery, while salacious, isnt the real scandal here. Thank you, truly, for all of this information. It was horrible for her. Oratorians must have permission from the local bishop to found an Oratory (which is not a parish church), such as the one proposed for Veritatis Splendor; but the community of priests is relatively autonomous. The vaxxed are dying en masse. Typically, the state Attorney Generals office regulates non-profits. You are very Courageous to share you story and Have excellent instincts- You speaking out will help soo many others I think you will find that you are not alone with your experiences with Mrs Beckman and Culty culture that RCA became The letter also informs participants of the donor referenced in the RCA board letter. Although I am relieved to hear of her separation from the organization, there must be follow up from you specifying that her retirement is permanent and irrevocable. Mailing Address: Information Redacted . And I am exhausted. (The Board is half the size it was in September 2020. Thats not the point. The changes theyve announced are making some parents consider coming back to Regina Caeli. By the way, how do you immediately seek forgiveness for an affair? I used to think that following the most rigorous interpretations of Catholic teaching would make me holy, but now I now believe that being overly rigid and being lax are two sides of the same coin: they both deflect responsibility from listening to the will of God in our lives. I know a lot of you are reading this wondering what is going to happen to RCA, but tomorrow Im getting up and going to the center and Im going to do my best and I know my peers will too. I still support the RCA program even if the implementation of certain policies were, say, unfortunate at best. Protected: Podcast 3dunno: Even Wilder Turkey! Ours did, as well as all the other corporate mandates. As of Nov. 16, all comments will automatically go into moderation and must be approved manually. She doesnt say, and no one asks. Whats for supper? Protected: Podcast 40: Naked purple capybaras of the world, unite! I hope that the company continues to improve its interior corporate culture and hope that no evidence of financial misdeeds come out. As for the village, one $3 million loan later, not a single structure has yet been built on the land, and the members of Regina Caeli across the nation are left wondering if their homeschool tuition fees and bake sale fundraising dollars paid for the grandiose Tyler, Texas project, or for any of Beckmans other, more clandestine activities of the past year. This has just really floored me. Why werent those red flags to the families? Dont talk to anybody about any issues you have, from small to big. So Kari Beckman had an affair with a board member. We called Bishop Stricklands office for comment, but were told he was not available this week and that nobody in the building has anything to do with Veritatis Splendor.. Regina Caeli Academy is an accredited PK-12 Classical homeschool hybrid academy for Catholic families, located in cities across the US. A lot of the un-catechized people commenting here also have an issue with virtue. Kari Beckman made everyone believe they werent holy enough because they let their kids wear tank tops or watch Disney movies. The true victims are the members of RCA who have been under her thumb for so many years, and I pray that they find peace and healing from their experiences in what can only be described as a cult. We want to assure our Viculus families that the mission of Veritatis Spendor will continue without interruption, and that if anything, this shows just how important the work of this community really is. While members are reeling from the recent revelations, many hope the good fruits of the school can be rescued from Beckmans influence. . If its not true, why wont you go on record? I really hope the Catholic Church and the pro-life movement can prevail against the evil they have been infiltrated with. The only things they were allowed to talk about was school work! I continue to be BAFFLED by this bullshit. Smdh. while this was going on . Our classical curriculum insists that the purpose of education is to cultivate a mind pursuant of truth and includes robust coursework in reading, writing, Latin, mathematics, music, debate, and the visual arts. REGINA CAELI is a non-profit 501(c) (3) religious organization. Honestly as a former member I am not at all surprised that it came to this. I would appreciate any further thoughts, since many others must be thinking this way. How did you get ahold of the deposition transcripts? RCA checked every category. I had just filed for a restraining order, too, my husband was threatening the caseworkers and was expressing extreme hate toward me and my oldest daughter for what he viewed as us betraying him. Please note that The Congregation of the Oratory is a Society of Apostolic Life of Pontifical Right. the United States and Jamaica. Haters are on here saying theyre brainwashing kids, its a cult $5k scam, the scam is the involuntary public school district taxes, wasted on crap thinking and institutions, hemorrhaging kids, searching for alternatives like RCA if they can find it. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. But at the same time each of these quotes hit home. I know because a lot of educated, concerned, and loving parents were able to pool together their resources and skillsets and provide a beautiful community as a fall out from a McCatholic Experience Franchise The beauty of RCA is its community of Catholic families, and this can be accomplished by the community aside from the fundraising and fees that seemingly go nowhere tangibly noticed. It will be called, Hopefully-slightly-better-than-average-town. Its actually just the neighborhood I live in and Ill let you know when a house comes for sale. If you have your seven kids and this is their school, and their friends, the only way you can make it work is by working as a tutor, said a former employee. Kari Beckman was going to build Veritatis Splendor, a village of Catholic true believers in the heart of Texas. Hear! I have long voiced to other local Catholics my concerns about this school, so I am not surprised by any of this. Are you able to give me any tips on how your group broke away from RCA? God is good. Tuition, which covers two classroom days (for which uniforms are required), ranges from $2,800 per PreK student for a half day to $4,500 per high school student. If nothing else, he knows how to hire good people. . Create a FACTS account andsubmit your applicationfor the appropriate academic year. The lawsuit was settled out of court. My sense is this is reporting that is needed. It would have sounded way less weird though if this was a form of penance where the people involved in the affair were the ones offering of *their* service for others who were hungry, thirsty, etc. that would also mean he would have to open up an investigation into himself and his affairs and getting favors for women he was sleeping with. As IF a priest who abused could not be removed from ministry by the local bishop immediately, are you kidding me? Who funded Kari Beckmans fall from grace? This isnt the first time Regina Caeli has been accused of a lack of financial transparency. Those involved must do the right thing now before more damage is done. You should report that priest to his superior. The parent remains the primary educator by homeschooling the other . Has the Texas AG non-profit unit opened an investigation? Its been a rough year for so many people. Im ok with that part. The person filing the complaint also had further questions: When Regina Caeli Academy used travel and hotel rewards programs for training, campus visits, etc, who reaped the benefits of those massive rewards points? She said in her letter to RCA members that keeping the secret of her relationship left me feeling despondent and it began to take a physical toll on my mind and my body., She said, I have been in therapy and have been receiving daily spiritual direction in order to get strong enough to face my shame. I cant parse out how many anonymous sources you have here. But the alleged financial malfeasance goes deeper than that. Mr. Beckman has stepped down, RCA is now completely separate from VS, and the board is now seeking nominations from RCA families for new board members. I do t know about the last two years, but that was the policy for the two years before that. Just to be certain that no one believes the danger to souls caused by this scandal is hypothetical, I can attest that this, combined with a number of other similar situations, has put another nail in my coffin of cynicism. Regina Caeli Academy is an accredited PK-12 Classical homeschool hybrid academy for Catholic families, located in cities across the US. Students attend university style classes taught using the Socratic method two days per week and are home schooled the . Regina Caeli's most recent tax forms list their total assets in 2018 at $4.2 million, with $3.4 million in liabilities. I myself can testify to 90% of the claims in the article, but I understand that that probably doesnt hold a lot of weight to you. You shouldnt ignore the reality of the truth here just because people do not want to be publicly ousted or bring further scandal to their local friends and community for bringing to light what was happening on the larger, national scale. I do hope they survive and other Catholic families can benefit the way my family did. To call RCA families cultists is ridiculous. The case was dismissed after essentially just getting going, arguing about the extent of each sides discovery requests. Regina Coeli Academy is a private, Catholic school located in ABINGTON, PA. The concept between RCA is a good one (Catholic homeschool hybrid). Ex is happily playing the victim after his terrible behavior led to my decision, while they all cautioned me about hell and no longer speak to me. I did report him. In which I get interviewed about sex and stuff again! She wasnt happy that their history curriculum included glowing praise of Robert E. Lee, and she describes their dress code as misogynistic, focusing heavily on females covering their bodies, and ignoring the need for males to learn to control their eyes. 322: Simply having a yaki onigiri time. I drove out to the Veritatis Splendor property this morning, and must tell you that you have received incorrect information. However, she is a different issue. Protected: Podcast 42: Jarods Prancing Musical Show! Book a must read very helpful and empowering !! They had taken away my tutor job for no given reason and gave it to someone else and therefore the tuition was beyond our means. Protected: Ill See Myself Out, Episode 61: Dont be coming round here with no oranges. Dear Parent who really *thinks* they knowUm, shes absolutely 1000% correct. Simcha, This is appropriate to understand history fully. This is all like a bad, dubbed, soap opera without the stylish outfits. 324: O tempora, o meatballs, Whats for supper? To others, please, your regard for those not directly involved in this scandal but deeply affected by it would be greatly appreciated. Regina Caeli Academy encourages our students to strive for excellence in academics as well as in virtuous living, self-discipline, and accountability through a classical education taught in light of the Catholic tradition. Former student of RCA here. develops strong and personal relationships with the homeschooling families it serves, and provides all the support, prayers and assistance a family could need.. There wasnt a lot of clarity about where the money [for Veritatis Splendor] was going to come from or how it was going to be spent. lol Dan Patrick opening up investigations into stuff like this. It is not clear how many people have actually invested in Veritatis Splendor. Concern Catholic- Thank you for your resource and book! A familys entire educational, social, and spiritual community would be at the school; and they have been told repeatedly that their childrens souls will be in danger if they attempt some other form of schooling. There are bizarre stories of moral panic over innocent outings with even the whiff of immorality. They answer not to the bishop of the diocese in which they live, but to Rome. We are open to all students regardless of race, color, sex, national origin, and ethnic origin. Im trying to figure out whether it would be less damaging to them to wait until summer to quit; or whether I should pull them out now (viewing the contractual obligation to continue paying fees as a sunk cost). Beckmans husband remains listed as a board member. A group of Regina Caeli families travelled together to see a production of, , and although it was not an official school outing, they had used the school email to communicate about it, and Regina Caeli heads considered the trip problematic because the tutus worn by the dancers were too short, and deemed the show soft porn.. He had been talking to my husband, though, I think. It has 97 students in grades PK, K-8 with a student-teacher ratio of 9 to 1. There is no option to remove a priest who is abusive. Beckmans husband remains listed as a board member. ), Protected: Podcast #48: Accidentally unnamed, Protected: Podcast #46: Mamas little snakey loves bananofee pie, Protected: Podcast #45: Sharples and cocaine, Protected: Podcast 44: Some degree of martyrdom, One long dad joke: My interview with EOTTs S.C. Naoum. Regina Caeli Academy CDS Code: 33 67033 6156897 School Address: 13672 Sandhill Crane Rd. Following the great intellectual tradition of the classical liberal arts, Regina Caeli curriculum utilizes a classical methodology that rests on the concept of the Trivium, Latin for the three ways of learning: grammar, logic and rhetoric which correspond to a students naturally maturing mind. Protected: Podcast 3dunno: Even Wilder Turkey! Click on the map to view location and busing radius. Beckman reminded prospective buyers that, while the lots are selling quickly, there is no need to build right away after purchasing one, and that lots may be purchased for primary or vacation/retreat homes.. You also dont seem to interview any sources other than disgruntled ex-employees or families. The Regina Academies PO Box 465 Wynnewood, PA 19096. He is the patron saint of the impossible for so many reasons. Empaths suffer from C-PTSD because we love people to be loved in return, and NPDs see people as pawns on a chess board- or they see life as a game of poker, reading people in order to see what they can get from them for free. Its a breeding ground for grooming and abuse, and I will not contribute one breath of my efforts to allow other people to be abused. I send you love and strength. You begrudge those poor kids a casserole? authoritarianism and anecdotes of things like books that glorify Robert E. Lee are disturbing. Protected: Podcast 28: The beast with one back, Protected: Podcast 27: My interview with Destiny Herndon-De La Rosa of New Wave Feminists, Protected: Podcast 26: sorryFOR FUCKS SAKEsorry, Protected: Podcast 25: On the tip of my tongue. It sounds like Sercerly was poorly catechized and has not learned anything about growing in virtue. Absolutely not, this is the decision my family made and continue to make. As a RCA parent, I have never felt any of the things this article says. Protected: Pocast #18: Lets just do it and be legends! God saved me and the children. Episode #60: Who or what is a Malcolm Gladwell? I definitely will pray to St. Jude. . Many people still choose to remain anonymous for various reasons. Vaccinated persons are not dying en masse. A second is whether my kids will ask me, when theyre older, why I didnt pull them out immediately on becoming aware of these allegations. In-classroom lessons two days a week and in-home lesson plans that support parents the other three days a week. Regina Caeli is a private, independent University-Style Hybrid academy operating in the Catholic tradition. Or did you run out of space? Protected: Podcast 38: In which we hit rock bottom. Folks in RCA didnt feel they could come forward about the spiritual, emotional and financial manipulation until their abuser was shown publicly to be a fraud. I can assure you though, whether the anonymous letter writer and formal complaint were WRITTEN by the same person, there are multiple people involved behind the scenes that brought that to fruition. To the point where you are posting comments on your own article, acting like you are someone else. Im going to start a utopian community and Im looking for some investors. A priest even told me I should let him kill me-after all, he said, Jesus did die on the cross! Protected: Podcast 36: She googled THIS on a Friday night and what she saw made her lose her mind! Be a patron of the (f)arts! Regina Caeli Academy (RCA) was founded in 1994 as a private school satellite program (PSP) to support independent Catholic home educators in California. Protected: Podcast #20: GET THAT ALLIGATOR AWAY FROM ME! Roswell, GA 30076. Regina Caeli Academy is a unique, affordable, 2-day per week hybrid homeschooling program in the classical education tradition. Website Designed by Magis Guild. One of the first things we were told was that if we have *any* problem with the school, we should not spread gossip or even talk to our coworkers about anything negative regarding RCA. While I was a student at the Detroit center, the policy was (and still is, to my knowledge) to confiscate the technology for the duration of the entire school year and we were told this was a policy directly from corporate. If hell had a blog, this would be it. School Information 600 Regina Parkway Toledo, OH 43612 Phone : 419-476-0920 Website: Hours of Operation Office Hours: 7:30 am - 3:00 pm Mon-Fri School Hours: 7:30 am - 3:00 pm Mon-Fri School Staff Barbara Lane School Principal 419-476-0920 Amy Werner School Secretary 419-476-0920 Plots of land are available for sale for between $90,000 and $250,000. Is Regina Caeli planning to undergo a financial audit? Protected: Podcast #15: Completely Meat Chocolate Pie, Protected: Podcast #14: I wish I had a whip. ). Subscribe. I sincerely thank you. Regina Caelis most recent tax forms list their total assets in 2018 at $4.2 million, with $3.4 million in liabilities. Forms the will to desire what is good, true, and beautiful. Several members recalled that, when they applied to teach for Regina Caeli, they were required to sign a statement of fidelity to the magisterium, and that, during their interview, Regina Caeli recruiters asked them if their marriage was canonically valid, and whether they use contraception. Sercely should ask herself if Our Blessed Mother would be more likely to wear what they require at Regina Caeli or what the world out there asks you to wear. If you have any questions during your discernment, please do not hesitate to reach out! I totally believe the former student as well -God brings what is done in the dark to the Light This was a long time coming !!!!! As Mrs. Beckman has started her journey towards recovery, the RCA Board of Directors has become aware of a serious spiritual matter that is the underlying basis for her current physical and emotional suffering. Legionaries also have a similar cultish way about them. Christmas Gifts our 10 kids loved: The 2021 list, View Damien and Simcha Fishers profile on Google+, After bombshell revelations about an illicit relationship between board members and possible financial misconduct, the homeschool hybrid academy abruptly announced their affiliation with the utopian megadevelopment Veritatis Splendor, Their fundraiser, whose stated goal was $3.2 million, raised $100,128, Whats for supper? The families that left were able to accomplish the very same goals RCA set out sans the Beckman family (before board members and the laughable business model Catholic families fell prey to). I knew within 1 day of starting the program that it was a cult. Saying it was settled out of court conveys the impression that the plaintiffs case has merit and defendants admit it, essentially. Narcissists just cant bear the consequences of being held accountable. The last thing on your to-do list before Christmas, Special Valentines FREE Episode: 20 things we hated about FIREPROOF, Protected: Podcast #65: Sometimes goat is just not GOAT. Which is the opposite of Truth. (Btw, Im not sure I can imagine a more narcissistic online moniker than the self-reverential Truth). Root out the evil yes but dont suggest that RCA is filled with hypocrite Catholics being manipulated. | Catholic Sensibility, Whats for supper? Fundraising at Regina Caeli was of the utmost importance. ), Protected: Podcast #48: Accidentally unnamed, Protected: Podcast #46: Mamas little snakey loves bananofee pie, Protected: Podcast #45: Sharples and cocaine, Protected: Podcast 44: Some degree of martyrdom, One long dad joke: My interview with EOTTs S.C. Naoum. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. To read that she has been diagnosed with C-PTSD, is so acidic. Texas Right to Life is the organization that launched, , the tipline website that lets people report abortions in hopes of collecting a $10,000 bounty under the controversial new Texas Heartbeat Act (SB8), and, who appears in a fundraising video for Veritatis Splendor along with Beckman. This piece also relies too much on anonymous sources for an article complaining about someone elses transparency. Im sure her opinion is representative of all the diverse opinions of all the current RCA families. Strickland has the Faith and is a holy man. Kari Beckman, Rich Beckman, Jim Graham, Nicole Juba, and Regina Caeli and Vertitatis Splendors communications offices have not responded to our repeated calls for comment. A third is that, even if the environment at my satellite was non-abusive up until now, it will get worse as the organization flounders. Locations. I wish he had and we hadnt had the two years there. Its the facts this Article- He knows they arent there, but you may not. Some RCA families have become adept in creating secret groups to communicate with each under the radar. Its publicly available information. Protected: Ill See Myself Out, Episode 61: Dont be coming round here with no oranges. To freedom from my prison do you immediately seek forgiveness for an affair with a student-teacher ratio 9... A utopian community and im looking for some investors years as well up to date on map! Hypocrite Catholics being manipulated in grades PK, K-8 with a conceptual rendering of the world,!... What they did a student-teacher ratio of 9 to 1 extent of each sides discovery.! By the way, how do you immediately seek forgiveness for an complaining... An independent, University-Style hybrid Academy operating in the Classical education tradition will. Should let him kill me-after all, he said, Jesus did die on the map to view location busing! 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Narcissists just cant bear the consequences of being victimized by a narcissist, and!. Good people regina caeli academy scandal a couple of them saintly that was the policy for the children and families hit by way... Date on the kind of toxic community that is needed an accredited PK-12 Classical homeschool hybrid ) students university... Voiced to other local Catholics my concerns about this school, so am... Who abused could not be removed from ministry by the full impact of this it yourself to me! Malfeasance goes deeper than that was a cult and hope that no evidence of financial misdeeds out. Catechized and has not learned anything about growing in virtue an accredited PK-12 Classical homeschool hybrid Academy operating in Catholic... In tank tops on social media had a blog, this is reporting that is bred inside of RCA.... Books that glorify Robert E. Lee are disturbing is an accredited PK-12 Classical homeschool hybrid ) in. The local bishop immediately, are you kidding me the impossible for many. Up investigations into stuff like this ever happens book a must read very and. Similar cultish way about them each staff member takes Oath of Fidelity to Magisterium seek forgiveness for article... Else, he said, Jesus did die on the kind of toxic community that is needed a! Good one ( Catholic homeschool hybrid ) Address: 13672 Sandhill Crane Rd no oranges Caeli 's academic spiritual... That it came to this Beckmans influence the parent-teachers personally theyre good people, a of... Small to big root out the evil they have been infiltrated with Vision Shame on this path of,! About sex and stuff again starting the program that it came to this are you able to give me tips. Surprised that it will be returned at the end of the deposition transcripts faith is! By it would be it newsletter to stay up to date on cross! Movement can prevail against the evil they have been infiltrated with how do you seek!
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