clan ferraro cerignola

Bari district San Paolo boss Antonio TeteDiomede disappears Antonio TeteDiomede disappeared in December 1990.Bari based family Capriati murder boss Vito Manzari 16 March 1991 in Bari`s borough San Nicola the boss Vito Manzari (30) gets shot to death and for the murder stand later trial the boss Sabino Capriati (47) and his sons Giuseppe Capriati, Domenico Capriati and Filippo Capriati.22 april 1994 was Michele Manzani (41) shot and killed. And thats when I understood the power of this gang," Mr Gatti told us. It is an organisation that is constantly changing, that is evolving, and is constantly updating and refining its illegal networks. Non a caso si parla di mafia degli affari risultando la criminalita cerignolana sempre meno legata a una struttura rigida basata su vincoli di familiarita (aspetto peculiare della mafia foggiana e garganica) e piu proiettata al raggiungimento di obiettivi a medio-lungo termine. //