commendable effort in a sentence

(135) Considering the restrictions under which she filmed,[] I think she did a commendable job. ; His determination in trying to find out who, and what she is, is commendable, to a point. Most related words/phrases with sentence examples define Commendable effort meaning and usage. If a sentence doesnt have a subject and a verb, it is not a complete sentence (e.g., In the sentence Went to bed, we dont know who went to bed). back in the fields - back in the fields usage in a sentence. Things like their terrible size, their ability to spout fire, or to crack boulders into splinters with their massive talons. 61. Additionally, the savings here is commendable. (275) What is the best definition of "commendable"? . The subject is the person or thing that does something or that is described in the sentence. (147) An state Court of Appeals ruling says its commendable that Schilder is volunteering but that there needs to be accountability. (278) The Word "commendable" in Example Sentences. 1. earnest and conscientious activity intended to do or accomplish something 2. use of physical or mental energy; hard work 3. a series of actions advancing a principle or tending toward a particular end 4. a notable achievement. You have done hard work and got succeed. (97) Yet the ideals for which Washington fought were commendable ; those for which Lee fought were not. (154) The Which Way Tree is a commendable and very readable addition to the tale-spinning tradition and its beautiful use of language. Please, follow the link placed under each quote to get to the original website. (250) Imagine a land where people are afraid of dragons. A struggling student making commendable effort deserves this word too. (69) The headteacher thanked the boys for their efforts, which he said were most commendable. Random good picture Not show. (197) Grassley said in a statement Wednesday that Sessionss leadership, integrity and dedication to our country as Attorney General are admirable and commendable . (203) Its commendable that the company is supporting its older phones like this, though OG Pixel users wont get quite the same quality as owners of the later models. Thank you for your hard work. Though it barely passes as an effective psychological thriller, A Teacher features, While the iPhone 7's camera might already be, In fact, he is sincere and compassionate , I admire your transfer activity till now and you have done, This organization's collaborative efforts are, Sorting exemplary students from the merely , If not, we can only hope Germany straightens out its priorities, or they will find it difficult to meet their, EPA's increased scrutiny of mountaintop removal operations, while, However, creating empathy for something as important as the refugee crisis is, The decision to show confidence in our youngsters is, However, the rest of the features and the support are quite, There is a general consensus that the reinvention of the miniature as a contemporary art form is. "That's commendable, " he added. This, they felt, was symptomatic of the paper's, 20. Dependent clauses can refer to the subject (who, which) the sequence/time (since, while), or the causal elements (because, if) of the independent clause. (62) The openness Gandhi shows to the plurality of religious traditions is commendable. How to use commend in a sentence. While the effort is commendable, and the actress playing the overbearing matriarch is especially good, most of the acting is unconvincing. Your intentions to save the planet are surely commendable, but you dont know what youre dealing with a random mask someone tossed aside. (144) I find it commendable that the department store would agree to accept returned merchandise, 3 months after it was purchased. (35) Your speed in reporting, printing and distribution is highly commendable. (95) But Sue Grayson Ford has an impressive and commendable history and says she thrives on challenges. (262) English Sentences with Audio Using the Word "commendable". Ireland commended efforts to implement Barbados' international obligations by revising its Constitution and streamlining legislation. However , 25 ,000 jobs were created , which is a commendable achievement, given the difficulties in world trading conditions. . (101) Her incredible tenacity, perseverance and determination to succeed is a commendable example to everyone. The great man, on the other hand, could marry where he liked, not being restricted to great women; indeed, it was often found sweet and, Imagine a land where people are afraid of dragons. While Jared put forth only a minuscule amount of effort . The government's action here is highly, The approach taken by this program is especially, Which of the following would most likely be considered, The decrease in dropout rates in Texas high schools is, Your advice to Congress and the causes you list are all, He called the federal effort to centralize such efforts, Commitment of experimental method is in itself entirely, Their dedication to our continued academic success is, Your identifying the most contentious point at issue was, They used electric saws and did their duty with, Behavior is to be commended only if it is more than merely, Your extensive knowledge of and experience with deafness is, He has great strength for a bowler of his height and a, The scientists hope to try again today, which shows, Your speed in reporting, printing and distribution is highly, She finds it difficult, but there are very, We will see what happens, President Trump tweeted, with, For architects, keeping rational architectural design thoughts is, Bringing cheer to the faces of the underprivileged is always a, For a company that looks to be struggling to survive, this is pretty, His spirit of being ready to take up the cudgels for a just cause is, Make your own judgements, but I'll just mention a couple of, By comparison, our Gavin was dazzling, making his points with, CS: Your sincere effort to do right by your free-spirited daughter is, The openness Gandhi shows to the plurality of religious traditions is, There is a great interest in the swimming competition, which is highly, Considering the restrictions under which she filmed, I think she did a, The headteacher thanked the boys for their efforts, which he said were most, She cooperated fully in the project in a most, The decision doubtless sought to correct a historical wrong, which is highly, The impulses that produced this project are, It clearly concentrates the information in a, Yet the ideals for which Washington fought were, This, they felt, was symptomatic of the paper's, Considering the restrictions under which she filmed,(/filmed) I think she did a, That they paused to think about what their decision would mean on a global level is, But Sue Grayson Ford has an impressive and, Given just a couple hours to tell a tale I think all in all the folks involved did a, Considering the restrictions under which she filmed,[/considering] I think she did a, Her incredible tenacity, perseverance and determination to succeed is a, As a president with a great sense of public relations, he may be, The media's role in exposing his unfortunate behaviour and upstart arrogance has been highly, The material is presented at the undergraduate level thus the simplified approach adopted is, 1The material is presented at the undergraduate level thus the simplified approach adopted is, He wants to be judged by the content of his work and his ability as a student, and I find that, Merely reading what some one has written is less, Overall, thinking on children's needs, despite its, Although the council is often described as conservative, this report exhibits a, In that case, Mr Jonathan's own ambition could stymie his, She had been in ill health for sometime but had borne her sickness with, 2In that case, Mr Jonathan's own ambition could stymie his, In finding the good and theres always something, You know, recently there have been lots of, Team Flakes may be gone for good, but the Lincoln team did a, Considering the restrictions under which she filmed,( I think she did a, Title rival Lewis Hamilton clawed his Mercedes through the field to finish a, The fact that Dobson periodically addresses the issue of wife abuse in his speaking and writing is, Considering the restrictions under which she filmed,[] I think she did a, Promoting adoption and making adoption a more attractive option is, In line with its free-speech credo, the organization tolerates and even fosters a, An state Court of Appeals ruling says its, Yesterday's historic gathering at which political parties met in a warm and cordial environment is, But in a 3-0 decision Tuesday, a federal appeals court says using bribes for, Today, their efforts have paid off and they are in possession of conclusive evidence, an achievement which is indeed, He told journalists: The laws of mathematics are very, Under the new regime the Turkish government displayed, The desire of the United Daughters of the Confederacy to honor Lee for attempting to reconcile the North and South was also, They have done an excellent job at making everyone believe that Firefox 3.0 is the second coming of Christ himself, and that's, In some parts of England the trees are thrashed with rods or poles to obtain the nuts, but this is not a, That is reasonable and Metrucks efforts to improve public faith in port management by maintaining a high bar of accountability are, This Polish-Thai gastronomic centaur signals either overinventiveness or a, As a ruler he showed legislative capacity, and a very, Grassley said in a statement Wednesday that Sessionss leadership, integrity and dedication to our country as Attorney General are admirable and, On the other hand, the fact that so many States have signed up to the Bill and, on paper at least, are attempting to conform with its standards is, Whether or not thats the case, lets hope Kennedy stays on the court for long enough to ensure that his, Perhaps Elie avoided this approach in order to give priority to his subjects' biographies and avoid any taint of academicism , both of which are, While it is absolutely groundbreaking and, At face value, President Trumps second bombing in Syria because of Bashar al-Assads suspected horrific use of chemical weapons against his own people seems, Which explains why the studio vastly overpaid for a film that, while, A: Im impressed with your compassion toward someone you dislike, and I think your inclination to care for her kids despite how difficult their mother may be is, It is boosting trade with Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, and sticking, with, In planting, the tops of the bulbs should be kept a little above ground, and it is a, While Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents did a, Its a great campaign, still ongoing, and at the time the agency included a, While efforts to protect the drivers knees are, While efforts to protect the driver s knees are, Citing past laudable but unfilled proclamations that promise to end homelessness or traffic fatalities, critics argue that this latest goal, while, Our Blood Is Wine boasts a fascinating subject, and a, In this age when different cultures are killing each other over whose definition of God is better, one could say the Masonic tradition of tolerance and open-mindedness is, The idea of encouraging the citizens to assist in the detection of crime or treason against the state was, This is an admittedly low bar to apply to action scenes, but because Bay let them sink to such depths, the fact that Bumblebee elevates action back to the level of competency is, While Martins story did include a black character in the 1980s, and while its, Industry insiders say Apples approach to data collection and user privacy, while, Rather than insisting on introducing himself officially to Washington with his own music, Noseda showed a, Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is, In August, FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb referred to the CDC guidelines as a, Very little was done for education in the French and Spanish period, although the Spanish governors made, In things to be seen at once, much variety makes confusion, another vice of beauty. Its sheer joy and wonder reside neither in tension nor resolve, neither verse . (49) This mans hygiene is hardly commendable when it becomes an excuse for rudeness. Unabridged (245) In August, FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb referred to the CDC guidelines as a commendable initial step, and said that his agency was working on developing evidence-based guidelines that would look at opioid prescribing. A simple sentence with "commendable"contains a subject and a verb, and it may also have an object and modifiers. ( 2015) It is a commendable effort, but won't do. Under the " new regime " the Turkish government displayed commendable energy in reconstructing and reorganizing the seapower of the empire. (34) The scientists hope to try again today, which shows commendable patience. (62) The openness Gandhi shows to the plurality of religious traditions is commendable. As minister of the interior Puttkammer's activities were less commendable. Musk has a bold vision, and the tenacity to execute on it, and that is commendable. We commend Jenkins, in office less than a year, . (83) Many large corporates have taken commendable steps to improve workplace posture and healthcare. (27) Your identifying the most contentious point at issue was commendable. Cautious; (60) CS: Your sincere effort to do right by your free-spirited daughter is commendable. (191) While worthwhile, commendable, and necessary, these local prosecutions are not enough to prompt the thoroughgoing national, institutional reforms needed. Your level of quality work remains unprecedented in our organization. admirable effort. (45) We will see what happens, President Trump tweeted, with commendable caution. ; Again, if it is something one has an . is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words. Accessed 18 Jan. 2023. Sentence Examples. (65) CS: Your sincere effort to do right by your free-spirited daughter is commendable . (13) Is not this a most commendable goal-a great achievement? With commendable enterprise he had fitted up a portion of his barn and had labeled it "Motor Garage" in huge letters. Synonyms for COMMENDABLE: admirable, meritorious, laudable, excellent, worthy, praiseworthy, impressive, applaudable; Antonyms of COMMENDABLE: reprehensible . (279) "commendable" meaning in english, "commendable" definitions. (271) What is a synonym for "commendable"? But irreverences of this kind, as well as the frequent burlesque citations of the Bible, whether commendable or not, had been, were, have since been, and are common in writers whose orthodoxy is unquestioned; and it must be remembered that the later Middle Age, which in many respects Rabelais represents almost more than he does the Renaissance, was, with all its unquestioning faith, singularly reckless and, to our fancy, irreverent in its use of the sacred words and images, which were to it the most familiar of all images and words. Your speed in reporting, printing and distribution is highly commendable. (145) Its an understandable, perhaps even commendable impulse, but it suffers from the great disadvantage of being factually wrong. English How to use "commendable" in a sentence . 2. The material is presented at the undergraduate level thus the simplified approach adopted is, 25. We welcome feedback: report an example sentence to the Collins team. Learn a new word every day. By Jerry Cornfield January 17, 2023 4:10 pm. (125) It's really commendable that the researchers are providing as much detail as they're doing in their study, he said. The effort, while commendable, was not wholly successful. What is commendable? | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples commendable: See: congruous , laudable , meritorious , moral , professional , stellar , unimpeachable "Even when things are tough, you continue to maintain a positive mindset.". This can also help the organization to establish a close bond with the employee while also creating a deeper sense of loyalty and dedication among the latter. n . (155) With commendable promptitude, he caught Harrison by the collar and held him firmly, while Agnes and Dotty recovered their balance. (105) The media's role in exposing his unfortunate behaviour and upstart arrogance has been highly commendable. (141) In line with its free-speech credo, the organization tolerates and even fosters a commendable amount of dissent in its ranks. Top 200. overall reaction eg Rate H 2 x NO y Include a sentence explaining the order of. This is highly commendable effort. to entrust for care or preservation; to recommend as worthy of confidence or notice; to mention with approbation : praise See the full definition (194) Grassley said in a statement Wednesday that Sessionss leadership, integrity and dedication to our country as Attorney General are admirable and commendable. And yet at the same time it uses petrol with commendable and sensitive restraint. Advertisers Access Statistics Resources. suggest new. It's a day we all remember mateship, honour, dignity and a perseverance under the most excruciating of circumstances. (286) What is the meaning of "commendable" in a sentence. It is a reasonable fear: dragons possess a number of qualities that make being afraid of them a very commendable response. (26) Their dedication to our continued academic success is commendable . (Page 3 of 3) (240) Rather than insisting on introducing himself officially to Washington with his own music, Noseda showed a commendable willingness to immerse himself in something a little different and pull it off. Related terms for commendable effort- synonyms, antonyms and sentences with commendable effort. How do you use commendable in a sentence? (98) Given just a couple hours to tell a tale I think all in all the folks involved did a commendable job. Examples of Minuscule in a sentence. (228) Citing past laudable but unfilled proclamations that promise to end homelessness or traffic fatalities, critics argue that this latest goal, while commendable , is no more realistic. (189) I always find it commendable when a producer wants to create a powerful, interesting, compelling female heroine whether on the side of good or bad. The move comes as . (67) It is especially commendable that he has made so many characters come to life in verse. 7. 2. (112) Overall, thinking on children's needs, despite its commendable focus on specific categories, was incomplete. (4) He is the author of some commendable verses. (214) It is boosting trade with Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, and sticking, with commendable doggedness in the face of little encouragement, to the task of making peace with Pakistan. (63) I see it as commendable effort especially when the last time I ran was like in 2002. (246) In 1727 they declared it to be not a commendable or allowed practice; in 1761 they excluded from their society all who should be found concerned in it, and issued appeals to their members and the public against the system. To succeed is a sentence a struggling student making commendable effort especially when last... That make being afraid of dragons commendable job a bold vision, and what she is, 25,000 were. 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