custodial interference massachusetts

A judge may establish paternity if one parent files for paternity in court, or if both parents sign and filea voluntary acknowledgement form, which the father may have already signed when the child was born. The feedback will only be used for improving the website. This is it: mother can do everything,she is ABOVE the law. When the child is under 18, one or both parents can ask the court to make decisions . State is Maryland. obviously she is more concerned with preventing your relationship with your son and causing you grief than anything else. I cant file fraud charges I cant turn it in to IRS for fraud and I cant file kidnapping charges. I told him to take me to court that I do not care and I have no worries for I have sole custody of my first son and I do not let the father see him for he is Antisocial personality disorder and in prison. You dont have to split a sick day unless you agree to it. Since these children live with you all the time and it sounds like they never get to see their Father. We have gone to court and due to her behavior have been granted 7 weeks instead of 5. Please help someone. Sorry I can not give you better advise on this as custody battles are UGLY as I am working on my own personal as well as one of my good friends lost one of her children today and her ex is wanting to strip her of each of the children one at a time. Are we supposed to split those days? So, its good you asked rather than just doing it even though you say respectfully deny you would have been in Contempt. I was wondering if the custodial parent puts a lot of restrictions on the non custodial parent and its stressing the non custodial parent. I am in fear for my childs well-being and I dont know what I can do. She constantly makes threats to move away to WV to this man and says she does not even plan to inform the biological Father prior to leaving. He is on his THIRD lawyer just trying to be able to see his children, like the decree states, and she still continues to break the law. Dont like them, dont talk to them. One time he was three days late and wouldnt answer his phone nor call me to tell me what was going on. he was physically and mentally abusive with me. I had to take my son to counseling because he began to wet the bed, have terrible nightmares, and behavioral problems. Example: Taking my kids out of the designated area & having my kids lie. Find the code/statute/law for your state for interference with custody and have it ready for the police. I finally found my son back in and would I be justified in asking for a motion to change custody? If you are under the age of 18 you can file a motion to have that lifted which will go to court and must be plead to a judge. Our visitation has not been modified since I moved. And the father shame on him for playing with your kids emotions. Because I am concerned, can I tell my exhusband the kids will not be going over there this weekend? You need to hurry, these things being done to your child could do irrevocable damage, put him on medications, etc. STOP BEING SO SELF CENTERED ALL ABOUT YOUR SELF, AND YOUR CLUBBING AND HOW HOT YOU ARE ARE ON FB..MILF, HOW ABOUT MILH, MOTHER ID LIKE TO HAVE!!! just a txt saying have a great day I love you in the AM and a How was your day? call in the evening. Sometimes aunts can be the hidden predators in our childrens lives. Ok so I have court in April with the father of my first daughter. Not her father. Of coarse with allowing them to have a relationship with their bio mom, that does not have any stability or home, cant keep a working phone They have resentment towards me now. Just a heads up. A judge might award the other parent more time to make up for the time missed. She got rid of her car, we told her to let us have him thru the week so he could go to school and she said no. His reason he wants to stay home to golf and spend more time with friends. Its not worth it. Im sorry you are going through this as I know personally what that is like. Women continue piss and moan about the child not being returned on time and want to rush into court or call police just keep the conflict going. Police were called, father was called and asked point blank if he had spoken with or seen our daughter and he said no. Im so heart broken. I am fighting to get my daughter back home. Even though I am 10 months behind Steph, I would push that fact look for a lawyer that would give you a free hour of their time and fight the issue. He has a temporary custody order from Louisiana. A de facto parent is one who has no biological relation to the child, but has participated in the child's life as a member of the child's family. Does this in any way constitute a forfeiture of custody or void the physical custody? How is this constitutional. (which was not his scheduled time.) So I bought the tickets. However, it will be hard for you to prove that he orchestrated your daughters return to his home. Seeing you are moving much closer I would file for an immediate modification of visitation and child support. Ty for the response. how long your child must have lived in the state for you to file for custody here, Get an immediate child custody or parenting time order, Learn more about who can file for child custody, Child custody and parenting time options when youve been abused. Having them go out is cheap insurance for you and for the child which does not institute the need of an attorney. I live in VA. My husband moved our son to Louisiana without my knowledge. Dont let her (or anyone else) get to you over these petty attacks or issues just keep your focus on your daughter and youll know youre on the right path. My ex and his current wife have both been cited out of WA in 2008 for CUSTODIAL INTERFERENCE 2ND DEGREE. If there is nothing glaring male a petition to the judge to overturn the current order. She is threatening to show up at my home ( against condition of visitation) and have me arrested for withholding custody. My husband is a lieutenant in the US Army and accepted orders to work in Louisiana until Sept. Since there is real case law on both torts related to the material towards prevention of kidnapping by enacting the Parental Kidnapping Prevention Act, 28 U.S.C. Had his dad ever made an attempt to visit him here, maybe he wouldnt be so scared..but he will not put forth the effort and then wants a 3 year old to be happy to come and stay for months at a time with practicly a stranger (He only sees him at Christmas and summer when I bring him to Michigan). Monica is correct when she states that joint custody does not necessarily mean that the custody arrangement is 50/50, however, when their are two fit parents who unconditionally love their child(ren) then it is the parents moral responsibility to allow said children unfettered access to the other parent and to continually foster a relationship with the other parent. I have contacted the local police, filed contempt and intereference of custody and am awaiting a hearing. A month went by and I still hadnt been allowed to see her, I contacted the police and was told they could do nothing. Utah law states, A person who is entitled to custody of a child is guilty of custodial interference if, during a period of time when another person is entitled to visitation of the child, the person takes, entices, conceals, detains, or withholds the child from the person entitled to visitation of the child, with the intent to interfere with the visitation of the child.. This will be your proof to the judge that the other parent received the complaint. We have joint legal and my house is the primary residence. judges dont take kindly to a party that ignores a court order. One of the motions that I consented to was that I would allow her to take our daughter out of the country to Peru for 2 weeks and that she agreed to let me to take my daughter out for her 3rd birthday on a Sunday with my family. On paper everything will look perfect but in reality it may not work out. This was after getting the first two granted because I was not informed of the court date even though I talked to my exs lawyer the same day as one of the court dates the first copies I was given by my ex and his dad unsigned by any judge I now have a custody hearing later this month luckily I was able to get my daughter back the same day the judge dissolved the tro after threatening to file a kidnapping report and custodial interference. I live in ohio, i am 17 and have a daughter of my own i live with my father and cant handle it anymore.. he has taken almost $1,000 from me, takes my WIC i get for the baby and i, and tells me i am a horrible mother. Now she will not allow me to see the children unless I also see her (she does not want a divorce). I ran a Meds and found she is getting 3 different scripts from 2 docs for pain meds and depression pills. You can not move out of state without getting a modification in the home state to relocate. However, she is now saying she wont let my son see him any more unless theres a court order. When he was 3 I tried and she refused child support from the child support division so they closed my case. At the current time my 13 year old has been allowed by his father to be with me in the state of Alabama for the duration of the Summer. They are supervised because of the assault!!! And Im sober now so thats a huge plus!!!!! Im so very sorry,and this is just yet another example of the system failing you.You just keep on fighting,I was told,get as many police reports as possible,your child could be appointed a lawyer and heard in court.My son is only 9 years ols and thats my next step.I sympathize with you,and I understand how horrible it is worrying for your childs safety..Please just dont ever give up! She also has said she is stopping visitations because he is wetting the bed, having trouble in school now, and seeing a psychiatrist because he supposably was in his room trying to tie a rope or something around his neck and was asked how he was going to kill himself when he threatened it to her. He has taken over $100000 from the mother of the child as well as beaten taken her self pride and dignity away by being abusive. We have joint custody. She pays her rent and works hard because her biological Mother was a addict and she knows how that effects a child. I think now if she does do this, she will also do so without telling me, as she knows I feel it is wrong and cruel to remove the kids without the Dads knowledge, so I believe if she does do this, she will just go without telling anyone. Schooling in the courts will always become before parenting time with any judge and being a para in the schools myself I know for a fact pre school is very important. What can we do with this? To me, 2 mos is too much all at once with a man they do not see. We live in the state of arkansas o any add vice on what steps to take would be greatly appreciated I just want to do whats best for my daughter. Again, a holiday weekend, so, she is in line right now, waiting for the court building to open & see what can be done. I cant stress that enough. Green, "The Crime of Parental Kidnapping in Massachusetts," 70 Mass. The only contact we are allowed to have due to the restraining order is via email. We have a meeting point in the middle of where we both live. The problem is is that I dont know where Branden is staying and he doesnt know where I am staying. Supervised visitation centers, Mass. My questions: This state is terrible when it comes to custody lawyers too, theres NO help out there for dads anymore. My ex husband has instructed his daycare provider to not provide me with information regarding my childrens care including dates and times they are in care. She recently has made false CPS reports against me. Those are my kids, im the father, why isnt there any laws to help me. February 25th 2013 is the date I moved back due to a job transfer.and since February 28th 2013 He asked me to start taking him 5 days a week and him 2 days.. My fiance is to have open phone access to the children and she either keeps the phone unplugged ( which she has told their 10 year old son is due to telemarketer calls) or tells the children if they pick up the phone they will be in trouble. You can also google contempt of court and how to file it in your state if you need to do it pro se (yourself without an attorney because you cant afford one). He said, that is my day to have her on the 4th of July according to reg visitation sch. I have joint custody. Pl she routinely makes me wait 15 minutes or more and even took my son out if my hands one day and went inside and wouldnt give him back police came gave him to me but said its a civil issue they didnt want to deal with it my ex refuses to allow my mom to spend anytime with our son and fir no reason I would like our son to be able to have equal time between the grandmas for daycare I and my ex work the same shift at the Same company and live ten minutes apart my mother is willing to watch are son free of charge in a larger cleaner home with just the two of them there. In what way is your dad abusing you? Even if you were in that state, chances are you would not qualify as your son is too old according to the courts. I was so stupid then and so weak. what kind of childhood Id had I had always securely said, it was a normal He had custody of the children where the mom had supervised visit because her boyfriend brok the youngest one leg at 8 months olg. Randy had hired a lawyer and asked first for visitation. But to punish them is completely unfair to them because they wont tell her my personal business!! I have not seen it done but it could be to your shared advantage IF you ate both on the same page which could help if she returns by reducing child support and allowing you to be part of the lives of the children. It can also occur when the parents have joint physical custody in this case, even though the parent taking the child has physical custody rights to the child, he or she is still interfering with the other parents scheduled custodial rights. AND GO GET THE KID. A compilation of laws, regulations, cases and web sources on the law of child custody, parenting time and visitation in Massachusetts. Save voice messages or text messages. You even say tracked you down so you willfully stole his children from him and separated your children from their father. Listen to your child and see if the complaint is truly valid or if it is just that they are bucking the system. Can the county police do anything? But remember that state laws vary widely. The lawyercan help determine the right course of action, depending on various circumstances. Whats happening now that they found the child? I also moved to improve the quality of life for my son and to get him specialized treatment for his disabilities. This was missing from the Obamas Fathers day speech. My girlfriend did not want to drive yet another hour so she went back home and is devasted. Okay I have a question I got a phone call from my sister and my mother today saying that Wednesday night my ex-wife was rushed to the hospital and she is pregnant and they ran some blood tests and the hospital called DHR because she had methamphetamines in her system DHR took my son and my step daughter to her house and handed my son over to his sisters dad now his sisters dad is not his blood dad or biological dad but I am and I live in another state what can I do about DHR not contacting me even knowing Im paying child support. I just wants son to see his great grandparents before they pass on, they are 84 years old and I just want our so. shame on her. This weekend when I went to pick them up he made me stand out in the cold and rain with him for 2 hrs before he would let me take the kids home. Child support is paid to her, visitation is regularly denied, police reports have been filed. He does not want to lose contact with his son, when he comes home he wants to continue with his visitation rights and be involved with his son. I was on Chemo Therapy and I showed at every court date. State of PA- 23PA Const. is it possible for me to get kids back?? Yes, you get the short end of the stick because you are a father and society and the Courts think you are expendable, except for your money of course. I have, in the state of Florida, full legal and physical custody of him due to the fact we were not married at the time of conception or birth (and still not to this day). One time we ran out of court after her just so he could tell her he loves her and she acted like he was a monster. We live in florida and dont know the laws about this. That when summer came I would get him well she would not give him back I called the police they said she had them and cant make her give him to me I tried on my own and she would attack me well then she asked could u write a letter giving my custody for a year so she can sign if he gets sick I did only because I did not want my baby hurt and they could not treat him now the letter is up and there asking for another and I dont want to if there is a way I can get him back we have never been to court nor has might rights been taken care of I have a job a house a car dont do drugs or drink please can someone tell me what do. Why are most women so illogical, bitter and unsensible when it comes to what is best for the child. If she refuses to let you talk to him, document that as well. From the child support seen our daughter and he said, that is like for dads anymore treatment his! This was missing from the child support agree to it another hour so she went back home in Louisiana Sept... 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