explain the importance of a wellness action plan for self and others

In this stage, explore all possibilities, ask all involved or interested individuals for their input into identifying the problem. The timing for me was perfect, as Id had a challenging couple of weeks and had already noticed some early warning signs of stress. Request clarification for workplace COVID-19 precautions and express your needs for safety. Be open to having conversations with people you are living around about how much time and space you need to be comfortable. A comprehensive wellness program is going to improve employee health and improve your organizations bottom line. Another study conducted at the University of California and Washington University in Saint Louis, Mo., found that participation in a company wellness program increased average worker productivity by over 5 percent roughly equivalent to adding one additional day of productive work per month for the average employee. Even the American Heart Association has completed an extensive review of the ability of wellness programs to improve health and reduce cardiovascular risk. The Wellness Action Plan can be used to promote and safeguard the health and wellbeing of employees by identifying ownership and responsibility and highlighting the support that employees need from us as managers. Cultural wellness implies understanding, awareness and intrinsic respect for aspects of diversity. Feeling connected with and supported by my colleagues is also really important for me, particularly when things are stressful that sense of were all in it together. However, as I was already becoming aware of tell tale signs of increased cortisol levels, I was actually quite looking forward to giving my mental health some much deserved focus. It's also recommended by the American Nurses Association in its Code of Ethics. Here is the actual healthcare cost trend for this worksite. When you change your diet, get active, and avoid tobacco, really good things happen. Boise School District is a WellSteps client and not long ago we published the results of their changes in health risks. As soon as you stop having healthy behaviors you stop getting the benefits. The conversation felt easy, and it gave us the opportunity to understand each other better, creating an added feeling of connection. Use stairs instead of the elevator or escalator and walk whenever possible. These could include a retirement or pension plan, healthcare, paid time off, or maternity leave. Filling yourself with a variety of nutrients andvitamins will not only help prevent illness, but will also keep your body functioning at its best. Researchers from Harvard recently published another summary of the wellness ROI research. Sinek, S. (2013). Wellness programs are good at helping people adopt and maintain healthy behaviors. Worshippers have mourned the loss of holy space and communal practices, especially during holy seasons like Passover, Easter, and Ramadan, and on other occasions when the community assembles in solidarity. Understanding action planning as part of a process; The importance of action planning; Tasks, resources and measures of success; 1.4 Creating an action plan. This study conducted in local governments with wellness programs in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex reported that when participating in the wellness program, 67% of employees felt more motivated at work, and 65% felt they could take on more at home and work than ever before. Several things happened, both at home and at work, in quick succession, that lead to a couple of very challenging weeks. He has given over 350 keynote speeches across the U.S. on the ability of good nutrition and regular exercise to prevent, arrest, and reverse many chronic diseases. TheNew England Journal of Medicinereported that for every 1% drop in total cholesterol, the risk of having a heart attack dropped by 2 to 3%. Below are some recommendations for you to practice in order to maintain an optimal level of spiritual wellness. One particular study looking at almost 200,000 wellness participants and showed that 5 of 7 health risks improved after one year. Anyone who still thinks wellness programs dont improve health is choosing to completely ignore hundreds of peer-reviewed scientific research papers that say otherwise. Wellness programs can also help alleviate depression and the symptoms of depression as well as improve life satisfaction. https://www.rhodes.edu/student-life/services-and-support/office-chaplain/religious-and-spiritual-groups. In my opinion, this is one of the most powerful reasons to have a wellness program. Preserving the areas where we live, learn, and work; Occupying pleasant, stimulating environments that support our well-being; and. Why create a SWAP? Wellness programs may not help your employees reach a healthy body weight but it looks like they are helping your employees to stop gaining weight. Although most counselors are familiar with self-care even preaching the concept religiously to clients many find it a challenge to put the concept into practice in their own lives. So, if everyone knows that goal and what they have to do to make it a reality, you should find that your team can work a lot more closely and better together. When we need to social distance, we often spend indoors, limiting our contact with others. Steve, Great stuff Dr. Aldana. Our relationships can offer support during difficult times. Taking time to reflect on our internal biases that we act on based on stereotypes of ethnicity, gender, religion, or sexual orientation is a simple but significant strategy in our pursuit of wellness in this area. What does a bucket have to do with stress? Another researcher looked at all of the published studies to get a consensus. If you begin by mood charting, you will be better equipped to prepare a truly powerful, personal Bipolar Wellness Plan. An Action Plan or Action Programme is a detailed plan with specified actions that are needed to achieve a goal. Intellectual wellness is the engagement in creative and mentally-stimulating activities. Give it a go and see the benefits for yourself. Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) | CWP This article discusses the potential for using WRAPs to support student nurses, as well as those studying other health professions. Share: Prioritizing our emotional wellness may now mean that we go back to basics. This element of your wellness plan must focus on your employees' diet choices and nutritional habits. It is the single most helpful tool I have found to assist othersespecially loved onesunderstand when my mood shifts. What is the financial value of having employees with high morale? After four years of wellness this worksite is actually spending less on healthcare costs than it did before the program began. Source: Population Health Management article. . This is perhaps the biggest benefit of having or reasons to have a wellness program. As a long time clinician specializing in chronic disease and the behavioral supports that lead to success, I say THANK YOU! The foundation of any good wellness program must be focused on helping employees adopt healthy behaviors. Here is what the authors concluded: We find that workplace wellness programs can help contain the current epidemic of lifestyle-related diseases, the main driver of premature morbidity and mortality as well as health care cost in the United States. Having a solid mind-body connection can make you feel good about yourself and your life, which contributes to long-term feelings of well-being. When you find meaning in your life experiences, you will be able to develop a harmony with your inner self and the outside world. These studies are not easy to do, they require extremely complicated ROI analyses, and they take years to complete. Packed with helpful insights. Having positive and curious conversations with family and friends about their physical wellness may prompt new ways to consider strategies for ourselves. But they are not very effective at helping people lose weight. Some countries are just beginning to realize the impact mental health on its citizens and the importance of coping mechanisms and treatment for it. One of the main causes of presenteeism is poor health. Police Mental Health Support Is it time for something new? 7. I had the privilege of visiting the VP of benefits at the Microsoft corporate office in Redmond Washington. The intention is not to suggest that we now have additional things to do to feel better, but that we have options; new, optimistic ways to navigate what it means to be intentionally, holistically well while feeling the impact of so much change and challenge. Slowing down if we feel more tired than usual. Do you need to have conversations with your roommates/family about noise? A WAP is a personalised self-management tool that both encourages and enables people to take responsibility for their own mental health. All you need is a couple of hours, a little planning and your willpower. It also helps us develop an awareness of our working style, stress triggers and responses, and enables us to communicate these. This allows people to plan in advance and develop tailored support for a time when they're not coping so well. Not feeling intellectually stimulated can affect the production of chemicals in the brain that can cause us to feel happiness and excitement to engage in learning. If your program is just beginning to incorporate staff wellness activities, the SWAP can be a useful tool for planning. You learn how to interact with others, express yourself, conduct everyday health habits, and be a part of different communities from those around you. In short, unhealthy individual lifestyle choices may result in substantially higher levels of lost productive work time. 1. These things are actually very hard to study and we have a feeling or sense that they do make a difference in our ability to attract good workers. The key is to maintain healthy behaviors for years. Those who maintained healthy behaviors experience lower health risks for six weeks, six months, 12 months, and even out to 18 months after this program began. You can read the nitty-gritty details of all 46 papers if youre reallycurious. In fact, Im walking while typing this comment.logging in steps and burning down my elevated blood sugar from the snack I just ate. An effective Wellness Plan requires self-awareness and self-direction. Poor health behaviors eventually lead to elevated health risks and chronic diseases. You are letting them know you want to do everything you can to keep them in good health and optimal performance. Ten characteristics of a good action plan; 1.5 Involving children and others . This is another reason that doesnt have scientific research to back it up. Personal responsibility: it's up to you, with the assistance of others, to take action and do what needs to be done to keep yourself well. Accessing enriching space around our immediate and outer environments has played a major role during the last year and a half. This guide shows what to consider. In this blog I share what I've learned. A lifestyle choice is a personal and conscious decision to perform a . I arrived at the meeting already aware that I was feeling under pressure and that my stress bucket was fuller than perhaps it is ordinarily. All the large software/tech companies are offering wellness with their benefits plans. All rights reserved, Employees with good health behaviors have lower absenteeism, Employees who can control their stress have lower absenteeism. What the APA Ethics Code has to say about self-care and the promotion of wellness (APA, 2010) . Self-care can seem like a daunting task when you've already got a lot on your plate, so let's take a little time to reflect on what works best for you, and make an action plan. Particularly helpful for my current roles (and the couple of weeks Id been having) but also a great insight into and reflection of my previous work environments. For every one point drop in elevated diastolic blood pressure, there is another 2 to 3% drop in heart disease risk. Your emotional needs are just as important as your physical health. It legitimizes the program, which increases the likelihood of continued resources and support. The plan typically includes activities such as regular exercise, healthy eating, stress management, and access to mental health services. However, religion may be one route you may take to boost your spiritual wellness. Consulting a doctor to create a personal wellness plan is a great way to improve your life and health. These programs often include medical screenings, incentives, behavior change interventions, fitness programs, social support, or competitions. I will explain the components of WRAP and I strongly encourage each of you to formulate some type of WRAP for yourselves; all my support people and mental health team members have copies of this brief, but detailed document. A thorough wellness plan template could help you: Provide formal, sharable documentation that details your wellness plan. There is one weakness that almost all wellness programs have. The figure below shows how health risks such as excess body weight, elevated blood pressure, and high cholesterol increased the odds of having high presenteeism. It also facilitates open dialogue with managers - leading to practical, agreed steps which can form the basis for regular monitoring and review. It is a personal involvement with values and beliefs that provide a purpose and meaning to our lives. Study with someone who has a different major and help them talk it out with you and vice versa. aggressive-sounding noises or exposure to anything that makes you feel uncomfortable being around someone who has treated you badly certain smells, tastes, or noises Triggers Action Plan On the next page, develop a plan of what you can do, if a trigger come up, to comfort yourself and keep your reactions from becoming more serious symptoms. Worksites all across the world are implementing employee wellness programs because they like the benefits of wellness. With my personal health and wellness plan, health and wellness are related terms. Recently, the RAND study showed some promising results: If the focus of your wellness program is to help individuals reach and maintain a healthy body weight you should prepare yourself to be disappointed. The Wellness Recovery Action Plan is a framework with which . After three years we guarantee that your wellness program will have a positive return on investment. Wellness Reviews, Comparisons, and Information | IntroWellness Pitch your wellness plan to company leadership. The unhealthy culture that surrounds most of us makes it extremely difficult to lose weight, in fact, most people in the United States and in the industrialized world gain weight every year. Read more: WRAP is used to initiate recovery, which provides ways for adolescents who are trying to overcome mental health issues and fulfill their lifelong dreams while achieving goals . reach and impact of worksite wellness programs, six months, 12 months, and even out to 18 months, financial impact of worksite wellness programs, 2 to 3 times greater than direct health care expenses, dramatically better financial performance, 2023 WellSteps.com, LLC. A rich benefits package makes it easier to get the best employees. It looks like this: Many studies have evaluated the ability of wellness programs to improve health behaviors. Paradoxically, our stress is helping us cope, bond together from a physical distance as best we can, and slow the spread of the virus. Wellness programs that focus on helping employees have good health behaviors will eventually have an impact on productivity. An outcome-oriented operating plan is important to your business and your wellness program for the following reasons: It links wellness initiatives to company needs and strategic priorities. Illness, injury, or other mental distractions are some of the most common causes of presenteeism. Copyright 2017 Mental Health In The Workplace. Social wellness also includes balancing the uniqueneeds of romantic relationships with other parts of your life. Maybe this would be a good time to consider attending culturally related conversations on campus. Completing the WAP reminded me of that. Ending the session knowing that if any challenges or stress symptoms crop up in the future, the door is open to having another honest and constructive conversation was reassuring, but it was more than that. Completing the WAP is also a great opportunity to think about what might have the potential to cause us stress, how you can spot this quickly and what simple actions you can take yourself to help you to feel back in control. Almost everyone of these return on investment (ROI) studies show a positive return on investment. Interact with peers that are different, and be curious about your own personal culture, family rituals, and traditions, all which the research shows, improves wellness. But compared to other defined benefits, wellness plans just dont have much sway in the employment decision process. When discussing minimising stress, it was also helpful to discuss with Tamsen what support or adjustments she and the team might be able to offer or make. 4. Here are five reasons why everyone needs one: 1. We have had to turn to safer outdoors for joint activities. Poor employee productivity can be defined as physically being at work but not working. Looking at this graph, you can see that employees who suffer from neck/back pain are 79% more likely to have high presenteeism than employees who do not have neck/back pain. It may involve prayer, meditation, yoga, living by certain principles, morals and faith. Humans are biologically wired to seek connection, attunement, and validation in relationships. I also found that I had additional realisations about myself as a result, which led to me adding more detail to my WAP and things feeling much clearer in my own mind. When you offer your employees a wellness program you are telling them that you respect them, you trust them, and that you want to help them be successful in life. Covid Lockdown Working From Home Survey Results, Practising the three principles of positivity for enhanced resilience, Keeping Healthy and Strong while working at home, An open letter to all HR professionals out there. Well, part of the importance of action plans is that they set out a clear and specific goal. Be curious. Imagine your self-care in four key dimensions of well-being: mind (mental/psychological), body (physical), heart (emotional), and spirit (spiritual/essence). Productivity goes up, customer service is outstanding, problems get solved, and people get creative. You might picture yourself walking around a . Explore your inner self. DR. Aldana, University home > Human Resources > Wellbeing > Wellness Action Plans Wellness Action Plans A Wellness Action Plan (WAP) is a practical and proactive way to support your mental health at work. Identify what throws you off track and develop a plan to keep . Employees who didnt exercise very much were 50% more likely to have high presenteeism than employees who were regular exercisers. It felt good to have an open discussion around stress in the workplace. Participate ingroup discussions and practice active listening. Is there just one problem or are there more? I like studies that go out for two years because the results are pretty conclusive by that time. I dont have any evidence that shows that having a wellness program will tip the scales when an employee is considering accepting a job. I dont know of any worksite that actively sought for the role of being disease prevention experts. With the right education, skills, motivation, skills/tools, and social support, people change behaviors. Personal wellness is important because it has to do with the choices you make to thrive in your personal life. At other times, saying hello to classmates; creating technology-free times during the day. Counseling - Retention and Student Success. Occupational Wellness is recognizing and accessing personal satisfaction and enrichment in ones life through work. At the same time, its important to stay informed, but prevent inner or outer panic contagionand create periods when we can be screen-free and calm, engaging our attention in present-moment activities. Its probably impossible to make this calculation but reverse the question and ask it again. Getting a good night's rest. 1076 Words5 Pages. This process can also help managers to open up dialogue with employees, understand their needs Having another person alongside when we feel confused and disconnected without comparison or judgement is the essence of social wellness. Chief UnSitter This type of poor productivity is called presenteeism. American Indian, African American, and Latino/x persons are three times more likely to be hospitalized and twice as likely to die from Covid-19 as Whites. Make an effort to keep in touch with supportive friends and family. The most important and life sustaining needs are the bottom of the pyramid, the base of the pyramid. Feeling valued and cared for also makes the employee more likely to recommend their employer to friends and associates, helping the company recruit additional talent. Thank you for sharing this! It is this information that be used to back up the 7 most popular reasons to have a wellness program. Not everyone gets to fulfill these higher needs, and their lives are not as rewarding as they could be. Sitting down and putting an entire plan together all at once can seem overwhelming. Often when our stress bucket is full, being asked to complete, what is essentially, a form can feel like just another task to tick off our to do list. Maybe even deciding Do I need advice right now or do I just want someone to listen?, and then identifying and connecting with an available social resource for this to happen. Benefits of cultural wellness include inner and outer self-confidence, effective trust and respectful collaboration built with others who are different than ourselves. Ten Steps to Being an Effective Self-Advocate Believe in Yourself. Emotional 5. On reflection completing my WAP was a really valuable activity that didnt take long and wasnt as challenging as I perhaps thought it might be. Recovery is a principal component to a successful mental health services fit for the twen These findings demonstrate that poor health behaviors are strongly associated with high levels of presenteeism. It was designed as a self-management and recovery system for persons coping with various physical and mental health challenges. Complaints will go up, the quality of your product or service will suffer, and problems will multiply because poor employee morale can be contagious. Wellness recovery action plans (WRAP), is a prevention and wellness process that anyone can use because it is self-designed by the individuals that are actually using it. Remember that it can be unrealistic or exhausting for you to be working on all 7 dimensions at the same time. 2. Yet there is not a single published study that shows that offering these benefits as any measurable effect on it worksites ability to recruit or maintain workers. Thats why the information below is backed by decades of solid research. Today wellness programs are common among both medium and small-sized businesses. Below are some suggestions onhow to enhance your social wellness. They do this because they are all fighting with each other to hire and retain the best workforce possible. Plan Templates 11+ Wellness Recovery Action Plan Templates - PDF, Word. Self-care reduces stress, replenishes a nurse's capacity to provide compassion and empathy, and improves the quality of care. Maintaining an optimal level of social wellness allows you to build healthy relationships with others. A Staff Wellness Action Plan (SWAP) allows your program to be intentional and thoughtful about creating a workplace that values staff wellness, mental health, and physical health. Worksheets to help develop a personal wellbeing plan that incorporates the Five Ways to Wellbeing. Decide what you Want. Improves mental health and well-being Finding time for self-care activities that bring you joy and relieve stress is beneficial to your mental health and well-being . Amazing work, Dr. Aldana! Create a brand-new wellness plan. Healthy behaviors lead to lower health risks, and lower health risks lead to less chronic disease. Smokers were 28% more likely to have high presenteeism than non-smokers. Wellness programs are good at helping people adopt and maintain healthy behaviors. Just take a look at the body mass index (BMI)data in the table above. Employees who have high morale are significantly less likely to be absent from work. At the same time, improving your physical health can also benefit your mental health and other life domains, and vice versa. When we know we're cared for, we feel a sense of security. Dr. Aldana is the CEO of Wellsteps, a worksite wellness solution that leads the nation in wellness program deployment and engagement. To explain how things work, in a self-funded plan, there is constant incentive to improve health throughout the year because . The pyramid shown below shows the different needs that we have as humans. Emotional wellness is defined as an acceptance of our emotions and feelings as valuable, and realistically being able to evaluate out limitations, working through problems in our relationships with others and ourselves and setting goals for emotional growth and development. Wellness Action Plans (WAPs) are for everyone, not just someone who has a problem right now. One of the tools we share in our Mental Health Conversations for Managers workshop, is our Wellness Action Plan (WAP) template, a self management prevention tool, with an emphasis on prevention, that enables employees to ultimately take responsibility for their own wellbeing, both in and outside of the workplace, and managers to support them in that. 2. That study reviewed 100 different research papers. Social Wellness Toolkit. Self-care includes taking stock of your own needs, goals, health, and accomplishments; taking time to nourish and nurture all of who you are. Perhaps this is why many of the companies with outstanding wellness programs have dramatically better financial performance. A well-curated self-care plan enhances your overall well-being. There are hundreds and hundreds of rigorous scientific evaluations of the impact of wellness programs which provides a great outlook on reasons to have a wellness program. Develop a daily plan to stay on track with your life and wellness goals. It is not going to make all your problems go away, but it is going to help you create a worksite culture of health. As a professor and CEO I've published 7 books and over 75 research articles on the impact of worksite wellness programs. Physical wellness promotes proper care of our bodies for optimal health andfunctioning. With WRAP, you can: Discover simple, safe, and effective tools to create and maintain wellness. Employees who are not overweight or obese have lower absenteeism. I started fashioning my own treadmill desk a couple of years ago and was so impressed with the results I have my whole family using one and now (full disclosure) Ive started a new business making treadmill desks specifically designed and engineered for use in an office environment. Without the impactof all the wellness programs in the world, obesity would be even worse than it currently is. Without the reassurance of collective socially responsible behavior, clear action, and communication, morale and trust erodes. Just about anybody can have healthy behaviors for a few days or weeks. It helps if you can offer a good salary and a rich benefits plan. Does your organisation need Mental Health Awareness Training? Worksites are doing more to prevent, arrest, and even reverse chronic diseases than any other group. Employees know when they are appreciated. Target Efforts. When it is all said and done, your employees want to feel loved and appreciated, and when they do really good things happen at work. Analyses, and validation in relationships through work may prompt new ways to consider attending culturally related conversations on.. Thank you the day dialogue with managers - leading to practical, agreed steps can... Or obese have lower absenteeism to safer outdoors for joint activities all fighting with each other to hire retain... 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