serge benhayon net worth

The executor of her will was director of several UM companies, lawyer, Serryn ORegan. I called it the great Esoteric Livingness swindle. She also didnt know that during 2013 Mrs McIntyre also paid more than $320,000 towards a property in Goonellabah, near Lismore, which is held in the name of her close friend, Ingrid Langenbruch. True believers are taught that they are being constantly watched by alien-like creatures that shape their lives. I had little regard for myself and others. Chris I really adore the words you have used Cu MIX za . Your email address will not be published. Simple. She just completely went up in the clouds, Kasha remembers. But Justice JamesStevenson said there is no evidence Mr Benhayonintends to do either. Who is Cuba Gooding Jr. ex-wife. Universal Medicines Serge Benhayon to inherit bulk of devotees million-dollar estate Sydney Morning Herald I just dont get it. In Australia Serge has personally purchased (around $2.5mil) a huge building, a cold storage facility on 6 acres and is holding it until such a time there is the call for the Australian charity to purchase it from him to develop a centre in Australia. I have just read the UM justification for Serge vulturing on the McIntyre family tradgedy and inheritance claims. There was an emptiness in this. Its not worth reading what the members have to say. What an absolute charmer Serge is. Please All Readers Read this link that is in the above blog it is a must. But the cost to you will be high It's like her whole brain's been switched off and she's got it replaced in the esoteric workshops. It is not possible for them to see what it really is, and the courts piss weak decision will vindicate their dodgy thinking. It lacked true purpose and I didnt enjoy the idea of my life being all about satisfying my needs. Its a syndicated article from the APN News desk is Sydney, so no credit to the Northern Star. Universal Medicines Serge Benhayon to inherit bulk of devotees million-dollar estate Sydney Morning Herald 28 December, 2015. Esoteric Women's Health document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); "The marriage of Western Medicine and Esoteric Medicine will be the greatest union that will serve humanity" ~ Serge Benhayon (on record Feb 2012). In just a few short years, Serge Benhayon has gone from bankrupt tennis coach to living god, with a sprawling property on the NSW North Coast, paid for by some Serge's love for humanity and the enormity of his contribution tocommunitiesfar and wide cannot be, He is the innovator of several healing products, Since 1999 Serge has pioneered no less than, He works closely with allied health and medical professionals, He is a consultant to large corporate businesses, He works closely with a large and varied group of sole traders and professionals consulting on better servicing their communities, He volunteers his time freely to many community projects across a wide range of topics and encourages others to also give back in their field of service. (Benhayon, 2011, p.693). By his own admissions he has NO qualifications. The Universal Medicine website is not subject to fact checking, oversight by the Australian Press Council, or any of the other checks and balances that newspapers are subject to which ensures, on the whole, they get the facts right. No, UM did NOT expect to see me at the hearing. I remember the part in the Bible where Jesus took his disciples children before the magistrate to get all of the shekels of a recently deceased disciple its a parable Proverbs 1011. Mid2014, I blogged about Universal Medicine preying on cancer patients, with medical professionals GP, Dr Jane Barker,and nurses Sharon Gavioli et al, running Breast Cancer Care cult recruitment retreats. But the same code says that a health practitioner must not engage in any form of misinformation in relation tot he product or services she or provides or as to his or her qualifications, training and professional affiliations. Meeting Serge Benhayon inspired me to explore the philosophy of The Way of The Livingness. He was then asked if he had any qualifications. How beautiful would life be? It was a small courtroom, with little more than a dozen observers half a dozen being team Sergio, including Anne McRitchie (charity director), Alison Greig and some skinny tosser dressed like bogan yakuza circa 1985 who kept trying to give me and the Fairfax journo the evil eye. Eventually the relationship broke down, and Sarah left, taking their two children with her. They are never going to collect donations to give away money. It appears to me that perhaps Ms McIntyres children were poorly advised to seek a variance on the grounds that they needed more money rather than argue that their dear Mum had been hoodwinked by Benhayon. This was exemplified, for instance, by having a boyfriend, earning some money, getting good school and college results and carving out a life where I was comfortable. Occultly the energy of charity is the same as the energy of a paedophilia as it tries to use an innocent expression to disguse its ill pranic ways. It was a nasty experience. She was a client and a cultist. that fails a simple logic test). If he was poor and needed some money then yeh sure a couple of thousand but to take this amount of money is just wrong. Jesus said you cannot serve both God & money (Luke 16:13), advocated to give / care for the poor (Luke 12:32 -34) & displayed anger when men turned his Fathers place into a market. 131,-K/kg. Each time I encounter Serge I am left feeling of value, confident that I am worth being on this earth and that genuine love and kindness is still Constantly linking to um blogs, all for nothing. Lets hope it makes it to print. It hasnt changed since he was a young man. If you love your children with and from emotional love, you are just passing down to another generation a form of love that has not ever worked. No evidence, because unfortunately, the plaintiffs legal counsel decided not to supply it to the court. UniMed needs anonomous (sic) gifts of investment for this new property to get up and running. Makes it easier to send off when the healing proves a sham. Continue reading Freeing Myself inLockdown , Last year as it was fast approaching the end of the year, most were starting the wind down to the Christmas and New Year period: the beginning of December, where Christmas carols are played and decorations put up on display to celebrate the upcoming festive season. Her fears were justified Judith eventually gave Universal Medicine $1.4 million. In the next days I will update on my legal defence. Frank the Dasher (@vwdasher) December 29, 2015. Elizabeth Dolan is the nurse UM are claiming was there to look after Ms McIntyre as well as linking to and claiming how Ms Dolan won the highest NSW Nurses award.pity very few if any of the other nurses at the Lismore Base knew!? Simple. . During the hearing, Sarah and Seths barrister, Kim Morrissey, said there is no legal impediment to Mr Benhayonusing the property for his own interests, rather than Universal Medicine, nor any bar on him selling it. Its not the first bequeath Serge has got, and it wont be his last. WebAbout Serge Benhayon. I only met the guy once and he ran shivers down my spine. They told him that they were not prosecuting charities no matter what- and that their first aim was to ensure compliance. Sarah and Seth saidtheir mother told them she wished to leave a significant part of her estate to Universal Medicine. I am also certain there is no evidence of Jesus either. Health is out in UM. This is just a little of it please click on the link and read it ALL. The charitys accounts show the power bill alone for three months is almost 7,000 aside from other running costs, depreciation and admin. They cant. Your teachings are obsessed with them To his followers, Serge Benhayon is a healer and a god-like figure. She gifted the money to Serge personally. (Benhayon, 2011, p.599), Lack of self-nurturing is now a significant global problem andin particular for women, as it is the energetic cause of breast cancer andits ill rise in our societies everywhere. There has been a new UniMed building and 6 acre grounds bought in Goonellabah (2.3 million). Two things the family provisions act only needs for the provision to family to be adequate. Death is always a healing and not part of the failure. Benhayon vs Rockett help fund my legal defence. (If of course they want their own place). By Chris Vale, Chris Vale, Mechanical fitter, Father, Dog Owner and Observer of Life,Perth, Western Australia, Further Reading: He just devotes his time, he said. He insists the charity is a separate entity to his commercial business Universal Medicine Pty Ltd. Student notes from a few years ago show Benhayon soliciting anonymous gifts of investment to build and renovate the property into conference, office and clinic facilities, as well as a hospice, aged care facility and retreat for cancer patients. This group is so dangerous that these people had to be exposed., Reporter: Matt Doran | Producer: Stephen Rice. WebSerge Benhayon is the founder of Universal Medicine and a well known presenter and practitioner of Esoteric Medicine. (Benhayon, 2006, p.249). Sickening. Most of us get busted for missing a few dollars interest on our tax returns. That doesnt necessarily mean fair. And Each time I Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Just wondering what Jenny Dowell and Isaac Smith and Kevin Hogan really feel about this deplorable act by a Charlatan that they have supported? Disgusting. Or they boycott institutional churches to meet in homes or nature). 5points of fire everyday, left behind 10points prana, end of the day 5 points of prana. And the cults numbskull professionals lend the whole mess legitimacy. He probably thinks it is because he is a master from another plane. Through this connection now I realise that all of this magnificence is not for me alone or to just make my own life better. Cancer is clearing, death is a healing, memorial services held while people are still alive, film productions sell-abrating Glorious corpses. Serge Benhayon, Esoteric Teachings & Revelations. If we have disease, then there has to be an energy that caused that disease. But how often do we look deeper than simply fixing the external layer and consider what is happening behind the issue that is needing to be resolved? (LogOut/, Yep Northern star can write an article on this as news! I wonder if that if the same woman were penniless, would Serge and his fledgling UM vultures have lavished so much attention on her, video her last wishes, made sure her kids promised not to contest the So how gorgeous is it that you can celebrate your depth and beauty as a man and share this with everyone everyday and not just leave it for your birth-day. WebUniversal Medicine, Goonellabah. His books are rich philosophical works on the Esoteric in life, love and human society. Serge Benhayon received this money under false pretenses. I used to work as an acupuncturist [and they were] saying that I was unfit to practice because I was a hate blogger and a troll, therefore I must be some sort of psychopath, so I'm not fit to practice.. In one video, Benhayon can be heard saying, Weve had at least 2,300 lives each, and Ive done everything it takes for me to be a part of the Hierachy.. I am sure Serge is aware, but as soon it looks like there is some benefit being derived or something fishy happens, I am straight back to the ACNC to alert them. . Esoteric Women's Health Her testimonial shows hed successfully sold her the Esoteric martyrdom pitch that shed developed cancer by nurturing others rather than herself as if the two are mutually exclusive. She appears to have weighed up the competing considerations of the need to leave a legacy to Sarah and Seth and her desire to promote the teachings of Mr Benhayon.. More at No accident I laid out Benhayons death drive in blogs starting 3 years ago. He claims to be the reincarnation of Leonardo da Vinci, offers unconventional healing to his followers, and believes aliens live amongst us. After much resistance to the prospect of seeing anyone for support, and particularly anyone who I considered may be a part of the spiritual new. Judith McIntyre died in June 2014 at 66 from breast cancer , Adherents claim that esoteric breast massage administered, the group says, by women can heal a range of maladies, including breast cancer.. I am sure they were conscious of eroding their small inheritances and the risk of losing even more, whereas in this case, Serge, financially, had nothing to lose and could afford to throw some money at to make sure he had their money. Continue reading Breaking the Cycle of Abuse , Healing usually comes with the notion of fixing something that needs to be fixed. Then no one will be the wiser. Unbelievable. Michael Serge Benhayon. It is huge and we will never outgrow it. I cant believe people can do this and get away with it. So what is the point? Esther eventually lost her home and was forced into bankruptcy. With the ugly hench ladies in attendance to support Serge as he steals someones inheritance. The author of 11 substantial works on Esoteric Philosophy for the first time In Conversation with Serge Benhayon makes available Benhayons in-depth At first, it seemed harmless. WebWhat Serge Benhayon has presented and written since 1999 is unparalleled, not just in human history but also in the lineage of the Ageless Wisdom. The fact is, Serge does seem to get away with things that is staggering. At the time I knew what was happening was indecent and intrusive but felt powerless to speak out about what was going on. If only the Judge knew just a smidgen of all of this vileness. Fire& prana correspond with good and evil in Benhayons worldview. Benhayon and his associates target vulnerable patients with serious health conditions, including cancer, and encourages them to cease conventional treatment. Its obvious your not a fan of Serge, but I get the feeling most people here, including myself, are not fans of any religion. It mightnt sound that bad, but Esther Rockett says its making people ill. If you followed that diet, one meal a day, that is very restricted, you are going to get seriously sick, says Esther. The Justice of the Peace whowitnessed her lastwill was Benhayons business partner, Desiree Delaloye. I am pretty sure that was a parody given that Serge puts himself in that company, and not literal. There are a whole bunch of questions about the $800,000, the charity and that property owned by Benhayon. Its a business. It is all so convoluted and hard to get, crooks oops I mean people do this when they are out to hide and deceive. 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So the question is, if the charity is squeaky clean, why give it directly to Serge? New International Version most accurate & easy to read, Message version even easier & a delight). Investing in your will with cult leader Serge Benhayon. BTW, everyone that has read this article has used the same adjective spontaneously. Then again, Sergio and Serryn ORegan flat refuse to answer questions and were already issuing legal threats before any stories went to print. His disciples pay big money to hear his ageless wisdom, and to learn the quasi-medical treatments hes invented, such as chakra-puncture and esoteric breast massage. in Aktuality. Again, he gave me support through counselling and acupuncture and taught me to rest deeply as I went into my chemo sessions, fully choosing to be there since I had decided that I would have it.