Outlets for political participation were minimal, and opposition parties such as the National Front (a loose coalition of nationalists, clerics, and noncommunist left-wing parties) and the pro-Soviet Tdeh (Masses) Party were marginalized or outlawed. Following the events of the revolution, Marxist guerrillas and federalist parties revolted in some regions comprising Khuzistan, Kurdistan and Gonbad-e Qabus, which resulted in fighting between them and revolutionary forces. The protests grew incredibly fast, reaching between six million and nine million in strength in the first week. Pre-Revolution Society in Iran Report galcec Apr. They will never be able to return to the country as long as it remains an Islamic republic. While the moderate Bazargan and his government (temporarily) reassured the middle class, it became apparent they did not have power over the "Khomeinist" revolutionary bodies, particularly the Revolutionary Council (the "real power" in the revolutionary state),[196][197] and later the Islamic Republican Party. [Note 4][86], In the post-Shah era, some revolutionaries who clashed with his theocracy and were suppressed by his movement complained of deception,[84] but in the meantime anti-Shah unity was maintained.[87]. Stay Connected! The program was economically successful, but the benefits were not distributed evenly, though the transformative effects on social norms and institutions were widely felt. Written under a pseudonym by a government agent, it denounced Khomeini as a "British agent" and a "mad Indian poet" conspiring to sell out Iran to neo-colonialists and communists. This conflict lasted only a few months however. Thousands of komiteh or Revolutionary Committees[205] served as "the eyes and ears" of the new rule and are credited by critics with "many arbitrary arrests, executions and confiscations of property". The Grand Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini led this revolution, and he eventually ran the Islamic republic that replaced the monarchy after overthrowing the shah.1The Iranian Revolution transformed Irans government and the lives of all its citizens by making religion a key factor in all new laws that they made, as a reaction to the westernizing policies of the shah. There was widespread censorship of the press, and the Savak security and intelligence organization became notorious for crushing dissent among political opponents. While land owners raked in profits from sales, many sharecroppers failed to subsist on their own crops, let alone make a profit. [308] Women fought back against these changes, and as activist and writer Mahnaz Afkhami writes, "The regime succeeded in putting women back in the veil in public places, but not in resocializing them into fundamentalist norms. He stood as the voice for the Shiite community and spoke up about how the shahs policies contradicted what the Shiite community believed in. For the first time in more than half a century, the secular intellectualsmany of whom were fascinated by the populist appeal of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, a former professor of philosophy in Qom who had been exiled in 1964 after speaking out harshly against the shahs recent reform programabandoned their aim of reducing the authority and power of the Shii ulama (religious scholars) and argued that, with the help of the ulama, the shah could be overthrown. He retained Sharif-Emami's civilian government, hoping that protesters would avoid taking the streets. In this environment, members of the National Front, the Tdeh Party, and their various splinter groups now joined the ulama in broad opposition to the shahs regime. For example, "the combination of martial law with its curfew hours and the closing down of shops and workplaces, together with the cold of the fall and winter months resulted in the centers of political discussion often being within the home. With superior French telephone and postal connections (compared to Iraqi ones), Khomeini's supporters flooded Iran with tapes and recordings of his sermons. Pre-Revolution Culture in Iran By: Hannah, Jon, and Carlos Many muslims worship many different languages, but the most popular is Arabic and Farsi This means "I love you" in both languages Arabic Farsi Women Culture Women did not have headscarves or chadors (dark cloth to cover head only face showing) before the Revolution, [111] Censorship was effectively terminated, and the newspapers began reporting heavily on demonstrations, often highly critically and negatively of the Shah. An injured revolutionary during protests against Pahlavi regime. A CIA analysis in August concluded that Iran "is not in a revolutionary or even a pre-revolutionary situation. The guard eventually grew into "a full-scale" military force,[200] becoming "the strongest institution of the revolution."[201]. I understand the necessity for religion to find its own medium for it to function, but I suppose its disappointing to know that something as controlling like this is currently a harsh reality that more specifically, women will have to go through. It is evident we are not. But he also pushed the country to adopt. Millions poured onto the streets, and virtually every remaining sign of the monarchy was torn down by the crowds. 2020 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. Much of Iran still relied on agriculture. [329], It is said that there were attempts to incorporate modern political and social concepts into Islamic canon since 1950. [178] However, most of these women expected the revolution to lead to an increase in their rights and opportunities rather than the restrictions that actually occurred. [14][100], The chain of events began with the death of Mostafa Khomeini, chief aide and eldest son of Ruhollah Khomeini. The council took its legitimacy from the 9 December 1984 decree of the founder of the Islamic Republic."[2]. Culture in Iran (Pre-Islamic Revolution) Group Use the following webpages to answer the questions about Iranian culture below. This loss of job skills and capital weakened Iran's economy. I appoint the government, I appoint the government in support of this nation". A decade of extraordinary economic growth, heavy government spending, and a boom in oil prices led to high rates of inflation and the stagnation of Iranians buying power and standard of living. [284][285] Opinion polls and observers report widespread dissatisfaction, including a "rift" between the revolutionary generation and younger Iranians who find it "impossible to understand what their parents were so passionate about. On April 18, 1980, after Friday prayers, Khomeini gave a speech harshly attacking the universities. Soon large crowds took to the streets, building barricades and supporting the rebels, while Islamic-Marxist guerillas with their weapons joined in support. Students began to take to the streets in protest. On 13 September, central government workers in Tehran simultaneously went on strike. The period leading up to Iran's Islamic Revolution was a time of major upheaval and reform. Iran had immense oil wealth, a long border with the Soviet Union, and a nationalist prime minister. [142] On 1 February 1979 Khomeini returned to Tehran in a chartered Air France Boeing 747. [230] More recently, Rastyad Collective has verified the identities of more than 3,400 political dissidents who were executed between June 1981 and March 1982. The new constitution was also approved overwhelmingly by the December 1979 constitutional referendum, but with more opposition[Note 7] and smaller turnout. The success of the Iranian Revolution was met with surprise throughout the world,[21] and was considered by many to be unusual in nature: it lacked many of the customary causes of revolutionary sentiment (e.g., defeat in war, a financial crisis, peasant rebellion, or disgruntled military);[22] occurred in a country that was experiencing relative prosperity;[6][20] produced profound change at great speed;[23] was massively popular; resulted in the massive exile that characterizes a large portion of today's Iranian diaspora;[24] and replaced a pro-Western secular[25] and authoritarian monarchy[6] with an anti-Western Islamist theocracy[6][19][20][26] that was based on the concept of Velyat-e Faqih (or Guardianship of the Islamic Jurist), straddling between authoritarianism and totalitarianism. [274], In Pakistan, it has been noted that the "press was largely favorable towards the new government"; the Islamist parties were even more enthusiastic; while the ruler, General Zia-ul-Haq, himself on an Islamization drive since he took power in 1977, talked of "simultaneous triumph of Islamic ideology in both our countries" and that "Khomeini is a symbol of Islamic insurgence." Before the Iranian Islamic Revolution in 1979, Iranian women were acquiring rights along with women in other parts of the world. The Literacy Corps was established to reduce illiteracy in rural areas, though reading and writing rates continued to be low in the villages. [100][101] Led by the leftist intellectual Saeed Soltanpour, the Iranian Writers Association met at the Goethe Institute in Tehran to read anti-government poetry. [6][14][100], By late October, a nationwide general strike was declared, with workers in virtually all major industries walking off their jobs, most damagingly in the oil industry and the print media. [130] After forcing the resignation of the presiding judges in an attempt to hamper the investigation, the new government finally executed Hossein Talakhzadeh for "setting the fire on the Shah's orders," despite his insistence that he did it on his own accord as an ultimate sacrifice for the revolutionary cause. Will this revolution take things back to the way they were during the monarchy? Tehran's martial law commander was General Gholam-Ali Oveissi, who was known for his severity against opponents. In the early Safavid era (1501-1723), male houses of prostitution (amard khaneh) were legally recognized and paid taxes. By the late 1970s the economy began to struggle with rapid inflation and disaffected workers in both the public and private sector went on strike. I find this ironic since America is supposed to be the symbol of freedom, and while these reforms being made were improving Iran, Ruhollah Khomeini took it as against Islam and reversed most of the progressive policies put in place for the Iranian women. [194], The most important bodies of the revolution were the Revolutionary Council, the Revolutionary Guards, Revolutionary Tribunals, Islamic Republican Party, and Revolutionary Committees (komitehs).[195]. Education was encouraged for the entire population. [308], Women especially those from traditional backgrounds participated on a large scale in demonstrations leading up to the revolution. This White Revolution included many new developments, such as land reform, an expanded road, rail, and air network, and the eradication of diseases such as malaria. In reply Khomeini compared them as well as other adulterers to gangrene, thieves, and murderers. Sextus Empiricus asserts in his Outlines of Scepticism (written circa C.E. "[65] Three days of major riots throughout Iran followed, with 15,000 dead from police fire as reported by opposition sources. A former opponent of the Shah, Bakhtiar became motivated to join the government because he was increasingly aware of Khomeini's intentions to implement hard-line religious rule rather than a democracy. One law lowered the age of marriage for girls to eight years old, and another gave fathers the right of child custody in the case of a divorce. [256] In terms of future relevance, the conflicts that originated from the Iranian Revolution continued to define geo-politics for the last three decades, continuing to do so today.[257]. $11,425 in 1990 to Int. All Iranians want change, it is time for change. [6][101][109][143] Ambassador Sullivan disagreed, and attempted to pressure Huyser to ignore the military and work directly with Khomeini's opposition. [34][36] It also suffered from some basic functional failures that brought economic bottlenecks, shortages, and inflation. A permit for an open-air prayer was granted, in which 200,000500,000 people attended. Bakhtiar would be appointed prime minister (a return to civilian rule), while the Shah and his family would leave the country. Keep supporting great journalism by turning off your ad blocker. After the Islamic revolution, Iranian artists who fled to the United States gradually formed exile communities. They tried to reform conditions after the death of the ayatollah. [115] In addition, it was the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, bringing a sense of increased religiosity among many people.[109]. While women themselves were often killed, tortured, arrested or injured and some were involved in guerilla activities, most contributed in non-violent ways. Well written article. Iran is a totalitarian state that has repressed its citizens and held firm against granting liberties especially womens rights. The growing dissatisfaction continued until the Constitutional Revolution of 19051911. [109] A few days later, even larger protests took place, and, for the first time, protesters called for Khomeini's return and the establishment of an Islamic republic. [123][125][126][127][128][129] After the Islamic Republic government executed a police officer for the act, a man claiming to be the lone surviving arsonist claimed he was responsible for starting the fire. The Shah advertised the White Revolution as a step towards westernization,[60] and it was a way for him to legitimize the Pahlavi dynasty. [106] Between 5300 of the demonstrators were reportedly killed in the protest. [162] According to the historian Ervand Abrahamian, the number executed by revolutionary courts as the revolution was consolidated (8,000 opponents between June 1981 and June 1985)[163] exceeded those killed by the royalist government trying to stop the revolution. During his exile, Khomeini coordinated this upsurge of oppositionfirst from Iraq and after 1978 from Francedemanding the shahs abdication. Back then, before the Iranian Revolution in 1978 and '79, chadors weren't simply the black uniform of the Ayatollah's followers, but were riotously various, their shades ranging from dove gray. While some argue that the micro-level actions of women can be understood through religious and political ideologies, others argue that it is in fact the effect of manipulations of information, symbols and context which should be studied.[172]. The Islamic and the pre-Islamic world have both provided national symbols for Iran, and these have come in conflict in recent years. [105] 9 January 1978 (19 Dey) is regarded as a bloody day in Qom. Whether youre studying times tables or applying to college, Classroom has the answers. and "The Shah is the guilty one! [120], As a sign of easing of government restrictions, three prominent opposition leaders from the secular National FrontKarim Sanjabi, Shahpour Bakhtiar, and Dariush Forouharwere allowed to pen an open letter to the Shah demanding that he reign according to the constitution of Iran. The Iranian Revolution (Persian: , Enqelb-e Irn [eelbe in]), or the Islamic Revolution ( , Enqelb-e Eslm),[4] refers to a series of events that culminated in the overthrow of the Pahlavi dynasty in 1979. The Council had been active in repressing the student movement of 19831989, "banning many books and purging thousands of students and lecturers." The telegram effectively declared his belief that the Shah would not survive the protests and that the US should consider withdrawing its support for his government and persuading the monarch to abdicate. Recently at the beginning of 2018, demonstrations arose which were organized by the royalists to overthrow the dictatorship in Iran and adopt a new monarchy that supports Westernization. Culture in Iran (Pre-Revolution 33 Learn about Prezi MD Marvin DeVera Thu Apr 21 2016 Outline 21 frames Reader view In the 1950's and 60's, art in Iran was quite modern and contemporary Iran art includes architecture, painting, weaving, pottery, calligraphy, metalworking and sculpture. Iran Culture (Pre-Islamic Revolution) =) Describe some major iranian movies, including there plot and directors In 1930 the first iranian slient film was made by proffessor ( Ovanes Ohanian) called Hawii Agha. Named for the Islamic month they began in, the Muharram protests were impressively huge and pivotal. "[186] However, nobody could deny the unanimous central role of the Imam, and the other factions were too small to have any real impact. "[307], Throughout the beginning of the 20th century and prior to the revolution, many women leaders emerged and demanded basic social rights for women. Several events in the 1970s set the stage for the 1979 revolution. There are also other attempts to formulate a new attitude of Islam such as the publication of three volumes of Maktab Tashayyo. [24], Much of Iranian society was in euphoria about the coming revolution. [309] They were encouraged by Ayatollah Khomeini to join him in overthrowing the Pahlavi dynasty. His eventual arrest sparked antigovernment riots, specifically against what the shah was implementing. [116][134], Military authorities declared martial law in Khuzestan province (Iran's main oil producing province) and deployed troops to its oil facilities. [297] Overall, Iran's Human development Index rating has climbed significantly from 0.569 in 1980 to 0.732 in 2002, on a par with neighbouring Turkey. They led to a chasm between the monarchy and powerful Muslim clerics -- among them the popular Ayatollah Khomeini -- and would eventually lead to the Islamic Revolution of 1979. Pahlavi brought great reforms for women, who could now cast off the chador veil and were encouraged to wear western dress. Pardis MAHDAVI - Iran's Youth Movement in Context (Annabelle is going to contact her to see if we can negotiate a revision as she is refusing at the moment) 3. [118], Against the wishes of Khomeini, Shariatmadari called for 17 June mourning protests to be carried out as a one-day stay. [93], All Iranians were required to join and pay dues to a new political party, the ezb-e Rastakhiz partyall other parties were banned. [176], The contributions of women to the revolutions and the intentions behind these contributions are complex and layered. Secular opponents of the Shah began to meet in secret to denounce the government. [243] Hezbollahi people attacked meeting places, bookstores, and newsstands of Mujahideen and other leftists,[244] driving them underground. Secular and leftist politicians piled onto the movement hoping to gain power in the aftermath, ignoring the fact that Khomeini was the very antithesis to all of the positions they supported. "[15], Outside of the universities, the Cultural Revolution affected some non-academic cultural and scientific figures who it publicly denounced, and the broadcasts of Iranian radio and television, which were now limited to religious and official programs. [50], The Tobacco Protest was the first significant Iranian resistance against the Shah and foreign interests, revealing the power of the people and the ulama influence among them.[47]. For the 19051911 revolution, see, "1979 Revolution" redirects here. In what would be the largest terrorist attack in history prior to the September 11 attacks in the US in 2001,[123] 422 people inside the theatre were burned to death. . [6] While it was increasingly clear to more secular Iranians that Khomeini was not a liberal, he was widely perceived as a figurehead, and that power would eventually be handed to the secular groups.[6][116]. While the banning of the veil was seen as liberation by educated females, rural women increasingly retreated to their homes, used to being hidden behind the garment. opposition included some clerics, including Ayatollah, example: "Secular Iranian writers of the early 1980s, most of whom supported the revolution, lamented the course it eventually took.". Bakhtiar went into hiding, eventually to find exile in France. Mohammad Reza Shah's reform program was built especially to weaken those classes that supported the traditional system. Perhaps Mesopotamian influence, so noticeable in the pottery of Susa of that time, was also responsible for the striking differences from the moufflon demon in the conception of the ibex demon in this seal. [308] More organization of women's groups occurred in the 1960s and 70s, and they used the government's modernization to define and advocate for women's issues. "[9][100][101][115], Forty days later, on 29 March, demonstrations were organized in at least 55 cities, including Tehran. [135], The protesters demanded that Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi step down from power and that Grand Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini be returned from exile. Critics complained that "vote-rigging, violence against undesirable candidates and the dissemination of false information" was used to "produce an assembly overwhelmingly dominated by clergy, all took active roles during the revolution and loyal to Khomeini. [20][101], On 5 November, demonstrations at University of Tehran became deadly after a fight broke out with armed soldiers. The British considered an armed invasion, but UK Prime Minister Winston Churchill decided on a coup after being refused American military support by U.S. President Harry S. Truman, who sympathized with nationalist movements like Mosaddegh's and had nothing but contempt for old-style imperialists like those who ran the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company. The Shah himself was horrified by the events of Black Friday, and harshly criticized the events, though this did little to sway public perception of him as being responsible for the shooting. If one was to go to Iran before the revolution, they would find it very similar to America. [229] Most victims of the 1981 massacre were young activists aged eleven to twenty-four. [14][131] Khomeini rapidly became a household name in the West, portraying himself as an "Eastern mystic" who did not seek power, but instead sought to "free" his people from "oppression." [9][101][132] The cabinet he would choose was a military cabinet in name only and consisted primarily of civilian leaders. [6] Bakhtiar became increasingly isolated, with members of the government (including the entire Regency Council) defecting to Khomeini. "[182] Janet Baur argues the necessity of examining the daily lives of women, their living conditions and their relationship to other groups in order to understand their participation in the socio-political events of the revolution. Some 700 University professors from Iran's academic institutions in a short time.[6][7]. Allameh Tabatabei refers to velayat as a political philosophy for Shia and velayat faqih for Shia community. We can put the constitution to the people's vote without difficulty "[217], With great publicity the students released documents from the American embassy, which they labeled a "den of spies",[218] showing that moderate Iranian leaders had met with U.S. officials (and didn't release similar evidence of high-ranking Islamists having done the same). The Iranian Revolution led to the overthrow of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, the latest ruler in the Persian monarchy that had been ruling for 2,500 years. , shortages, and virtually every remaining sign of the world able to return to the revolution on April,! Constitutional revolution of 19051911 from sales, many sharecroppers failed to subsist on their own,... Take things back to the way they were encouraged by ayatollah Khomeini to join him overthrowing! Amard khaneh ) were legally recognized and paid taxes in his Outlines of Scepticism ( written circa.... 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